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Did anyone give up anything for Lent??... I am so struggling :(


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Okay so it's been one week and almost 2 days since COFFEE... and I am hurting. I guess thats the whole point of this right?!?


My question is.... did any of you give up anything? What? How's it going :)

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I gave up sweets. No cookies, candy, chocolate, etc.


I'm doing ok but it is hard to resist the temptation! I did eat a piece of chicken in a salad for lunch on the first Friday of Lent and felt really bad about it afterwards. LOL

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I gave up sweets. No cookies, candy, chocolate, etc.


I'm doing ok but it is hard to resist the temptation! I did eat a piece of chicken in a salad for lunch on the first Friday of Lent and felt really bad about it afterwards. LOL

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Okay....FI totally laughed when I told him my main thing that I was giving up....so don't laugh. No....it's okay, you can. I gave up HOT CHEETOS. I was eating a 99 cent bag every day with lunch. I don't know what it is about them...they are addicting. Along with that I gave up sweets....right in time to recieve my Girl Scout Cookies...AHHHHHH. So far so good....so maybe I'll loose weight, save money, and feel better. Woohoo Go ME!
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Originally Posted by Virg View Post
and today I almost caved!!!

psst did you give up tea too wink.gif
AHHH you caught me! Actually, I think I'd have major withdrawal issues, so it was probably better for my health to not give up all caffeine wink.gif But nothing seems to do it like black coffee!
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