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Jason is the new bachelor!! YAY!


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Ellen just said that Melissa will be on her Show Thursday and Jason & Molly will be on Friday. Get your DVR's ready because Ellen is mad..LOL She was like even if the show told him to do that on air, he could have said no. It wasn't right.

I can only imagine what she is going to do to them.. :-)

Tomorrow Chris is gonna be on there, so it looks like I'll be DVRing the rest of the week :)

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Originally Posted by jean-marcus View Post
so being that i never watched it and hearing the uproar over what happened from like EVERY SINGLE WOMAN on earth hahaha and having met the guy I wonder how much was set up by the producers and how much he had choice in the matter and it was all preconceived.
Regardless if it was set up from the beginning, nobody held a gun to his head. If he knew what he was getting into from the beginning than he never should have signed up.
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Originally Posted by azhuskergirl View Post
i just think when you're signing away your life to ABC ANYTHING is possible. If you're up for the good stuff (the trips, the ring, etc.) you have to be prepared for the bad. It's a shitty way for me to think, but ratings are king in show business. And make no mistake, it is a business.
I'm actually going to back you up here! I mean, we can all sit there and say how mad we are at ABC, and "how dare they" - but guess what, it IS a business, and their job is to get us to talk about and watch the show. Well, they did their job! They don't care that we're mad, hell, they're probably thrilled! It just means we will be glued to our TVs tomorrow. Sure, there are real feelings and real emotions involved in this show. And a lot of the characters (for lack of a better word) probably go ito this with good intentions. But in the end, it's a TV show, a "drama" and a business like Susan said - it doesn't exist to help people find true love it's around to entertain us! And that it does!

Oh, and I wouldn't be surprised if Melissa was the next bachelorette - if she'll do it. Most people have forgotten about poor Jillian by now!
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Sorry girls, I love Melissa and I think she is a great girl (but I've really only seen what ABC wants me to see. I side more w/ Jason. I didn't feel like it was really scripted but to me it was VERY apparent Melissa already knew, just the way she walked out there and the face she gave Chris. She knew! I am really siding w/ Jason cause I've been there, on both sides. I've been one to think wrong and go back. i've also been one who was pushed aside and then asked to come back. My feelings will never change for that person even after I was pushed aside. And I gladly took him back! Although it wasn't all on national tv, but I don't believe for a second that Jason and Melissa broke up on tv. I thnk it was done before that. GEEZ now i know what you girls would say about me had i been on tv!!!!!!!! J/K


I'm glad Jason did it! Melissa deserves the best, and obviously Jason wasn't giong to give that to her and now she can find the man who will!

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I agree with that too, none of us know what really happened or how it felt unless we're in their shoes. Sometimes love isn't so black and white, and TRUST ME, it's not easy when you're in the position where you don't know exactly what you should do and what's right for you, and the people involved.


I do feel bad for poor Ty though - he's been introduced to a few women in the past year!

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