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Official PV Riu Thread (Discussion here for Riu Vallarta, Jalisco & Pacifico Palace)

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Thanks Celina! It's actually pretty close to the same - maybe I am just freaking out because its expensive AND in US dollars! My poor Canadian wallet!


I haven't heard from Erika in months either. I emailed asking her what and when we needed to send her document wise, and havent heard back.

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She's probably super busy. Don't stress too much. She'll take care of it all when you get there. I suggest that if you have any specific things that you are taking or want a seating chart that you are specific and write it down and give them explicit instructions - in writing. I felt that they weren't taking notes when I met with them, but I gave them everything in writing and it all worked out.


Another thing to remember is if you need any of your dresses pressed make sure to ask her about it as well. They will need the dresses the day before the wedding. It was very minimal cost and they did a good job.

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I just want to repeat what Celina said: Don't worry or stress if Erika doesn't get back to you via email. I remember she told me over a year ago that her inbox gets flooded DAILY! So I can't even imagine how many requests she has now. All their attention is geared towards their brides that are there at the resort at the present time. If they replied to all their emails it would be taking away from the brides and grooms that are having their weddings within the week. So your time will come - I promise. As soon as you're there they will take care of EVERY request you have or are concerned about.


That's why we're here to help you all out. So please if you have concerns or questions we can try to answer them as best as we can here.

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Originally Posted by Raeka View Post
I just want to repeat what Celina said: Don't worry or stress if Erika doesn't get back to you via email. I remember she told me over a year ago that her inbox gets flooded DAILY! So I can't even imagine how many requests she has now. All their attention is geared towards their brides that are there at the resort at the present time. If they replied to all their emails it would be taking away from the brides and grooms that are having their weddings within the week. So your time will come - I promise. As soon as you're there they will take care of EVERY request you have or are concerned about.

That's why we're here to help you all out. So please if you have concerns or questions we can try to answer them as best as we can here.

Thank you for that...it definately makes me feel better. My biggest concern is the bar. Are very young children (like 2 years old) allowed in the pool bar we rented for our reception? My future sister-in-law is very stressed about it.

Also, since they booked me at a restaurant at the Jalisco instead of the Vallarta by accident, I'm worried they did the same for the bar.
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Alliegrenier, I see that your wedding date is May 22nd. My date is for April 23rd; however, I have had no communications with the wedding coordinator after several attempts at emails. I have however, had confirmation through my travel agent that everything is booked. My questions for you is, how did you arrange your bar rental already? This is my only concern so far, I'm worried that the pool bar will be rented already by another bride that is booked for the same day?? Also, how do you know where your dinner reception was booked (you mentioned that they accidently booked you at the Jalisco)?

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Originally Posted by Heatherbean View Post
Alliegrenier, I see that your wedding date is May 22nd. My date is for April 23rd; however, I have had no communications with the wedding coordinator after several attempts at emails. I have however, had confirmation through my travel agent that everything is booked. My questions for you is, how did you arrange your bar rental already? This is my only concern so far, I'm worried that the pool bar will be rented already by another bride that is booked for the same day?? Also, how do you know where your dinner reception was booked (you mentioned that they accidently booked you at the Jalisco)?

Erika was wonderful at getting back to me at first. Maybe it was their slow time or something? I had quite a few back and forths with her. I had the same concerns about another bride having the same date and renting the bar or getting the good restaurant.

I asked which restaurants were available (back in Sept or Oct I think) and Erika emailed me menus and pics of 3 restaurants. I picked my fav and put it on my invite that went out last month. Then, I was bored one day, went to look online at pics of the restaurant and found they had giving me Jalisco options! LOL oh well, it got resolved, but still waiting to hear about the bar.

I am feeling better knowing they make ALL the brides wait until the last minute. Hopefully all's set for now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Jessica gets help soon so she's not on her own too long.
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