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Mommies to be check in


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Hi ladies,


I just had my 16 week appt and everything went well. I went from 117 pounds (last month) to 122 pounds. I don't know if that's good or bad, but nothing about my weight was mentioned, so I'll take that as good. We also heard the heart beat which averaged at 155 bpm. It took a while to find it, which had my DH and I stressing out! The baby was hanging out very low on my right side so it took a while to find. Other than measuring my stomach, that was it!


What about everyone else, how are you all doing?

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Hey there Mrs. Martin!

Glad to hear all is well with you! I just found out yesterday that I passed the glucose test with flying colors! 106!!! smile29.gif Yeii!!!! I was soo happy to hear that, especially considering how much sweets I've been eating lately blush2.gif Other than that, all is well. I've been feeling a lot more movement in the past few days. He was kicking sooo hard on Sunday; made me yelp and yesterday he kicked my ribs for the first time. I told him mommies ribs are off limits! :) LOL And today he's been soooo active all morning! I guess I should get used to it; third trimester starts for me on Saturday (can you believe ithuh.gif??) and that's what it's all about, getting your butt kicked from the inside! :) LOL

How's everyone else?

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Well, I'm 19 weeks now and I feel perfect. That's kind of scary. I guess being sick through week 17 was kind of nice because at least i knew everything was going well. Now i just freak out! :)

Every once in a while I think I feel the baby, so hopefully that will start to become more obvious.

otherwise we have our big ultrasound on Monday!

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
Well, I'm 19 weeks now and I feel perfect. That's kind of scary. I guess being sick through week 17 was kind of nice because at least i knew everything was going well. Now i just freak out! :)
Every once in a while I think I feel the baby, so hopefully that will start to become more obvious.
otherwise we have our big ultrasound on Monday!

Woo Hoo!!! Exciting stuff! I'm guessing you want to find out who you're having?? Dont worry, you'll feel your baby more and more and before you know it, you'll be talking to your tummy asking him or her to calm down! I just found myself telling him "no parties allowed in mommies stomach!" LOL

Our repeat u/s is Monday as well and also get the Rh shot (b/c I'm Rh- and hubby is Rh+). Totally excited to see him again and see how much he's grown and to find out if my placenta decided to make a move up further away from my cervix :)
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I'm really excited for Monday, however we will be keeping the sex a secret until my baby shower. The technician will simply tell us if she can tell what it is, and then she'll seal the results in an envelope. Then we'll open it with all of our family and friends at my shower. I'm REALLY excited for that... however going another two months is going to be brutal!!


Cute bump, by the way! I cannot believe how great you look!

Here is my bump, but I think this was at 17 weeks...

Click the image to open in full size.

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
I'm really excited for Monday, however we will be keeping the sex a secret until my baby shower. The technician will simply tell us if she can tell what it is, and then she'll seal the results in an envelope. Then we'll open it with all of our family and friends at my shower. I'm REALLY excited for that... however going another two months is going to be brutal!!

Cute bump, by the way! I cannot believe how great you look!
Here is my bump, but I think this was at 17 weeks...
Click the image to open in full size.
Wow!! You're brave!! I have a lot of admiration for people who either dont want to find out or doing something like what you're doing!!! I could never do that; waaaaaayyyyyy too impatient!!! :) I was counting down the moments to my anatomy scan and kept talking to the belly asking him to "spread 'em!!!!" once we're there!!! LOL I had such a huge fear of not being able to find out! Both my brother and sister wouldn't show and I was mortified of having the same fate as my parents! :) LOL

Thank you for the complement!!! smile72.gif You look great as well! Such a tiny bump:) How far along are you now? (hint hint: you dont have a ticker!)
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Tlseege-That is such a great idea!! My DH and I decided not to find out the sex. But now that my big ultrasound is in 2 weeks, I'm starting to get a little sad about it. I just called DH to tell him what you are doing and he thought it was a cool idea too. I like it because you still get the element of surprise through most of the pregnancy and you still have time to buy gender specific items before the baby arrives. Now, we will have to go home and discuss this because I really like this idea!


Tlseege and Bisha- Both your baby bumps are so cute!! I'm feeling really big and bloated right now for 16 wks, so I'll post a pic of my bump when I get home to compare to yours!

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Mrs Martin my hubby and I didn't want to find out either but just before the ultrasound I told him I just had to know (I was really sick through out my pregnancy-not as bad as Mo, but pretty bad) and I needed something to get excited about. I think I would love to do what Trisha is doing with her shower, its such a great idea!

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