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Engagement Ring - GONE!!!! **UPDATE #67**

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LAURENANDBILL needs to read Post #67 too!! doh.gif


What a great ending.. you are such a lucky girl!! You both are lucky to have walked away from such a crazy situation. I'm glad you both are ok and I'm glad you have a new ring. Hopefully they find your old ring, but your new ring is just as beautiful!!

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Originally Posted by becks View Post
That is such a sweet thing to do! I love that he re-proposed instead of just giving it to you!
Me too! Made me feel really special. I was very surprised. I think I cried more this time then the first time. And since it was just him, our son, and me I have no pictures this time around, which is a bummer....but oh well!
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I was so sorry to read that someone had violated one of the most sacred things we will ever receive. Some people have no heart!


I was very happy to hear that you very thoughtful FI did everything in his powers to make the woman he loves begin to feel whole again. It's nice to read of a man so in tuned with his woman and making her happy.

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