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Am I Being a Spoiled Bridezilla

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Ok so I'm contemplating firing my WC and working with someone else. But I really need to know what you all think about this situation and would you just let this fly.


Ok so Over 2 months ago and I was looking for a WC and I emailed someone (I won't use any names bc my WC is well known on these boards but isn"t a BDW WC) to ask if she was available or booked for my wedding day which is 11.10.09. She said that she was not so we paid our booking fee immediately and have been working with her intensely since then.


Last week she emailed me to find out what time I had requested for my wedding. I had never discussed a time with her so she asked if I wanted to do it at 10 or 11 am. I told her whatever she thought was best would be fine with me.


Well this morning in my CC Roll Call for my cruise a bride on the thread told me that I must be our WC's other bride for 11.10.09. She informed me of her wedding that my WC was coordinating on the same day in the afternoon at 3. (My wedding is at 11).


I was very concerned bc we haven't decided if we were going to have a reception in St Thomas or on the ship. Our plan was that after the wedding we would go on a island tour and then have our reception (around 3). Well now my WC is doing another wedding at 3.


I emailed my wc with my concerns explaining that in our 1st communication I asked if she was free on my wedding day and she said yes. But now she's doing another wedding. I also explained that I am not comfy having a wedding on the island w/o having my wc as a point of contact for the entire time that we're on the island.


She responded telling me (in a very nice way not rude or anything) that she never said that she wouldn't do 2 weddings in one day, just that she tries not to. And that the other wedding is only a vow renewal and the bride and groom were scheduled for another date but their cruise ship got dry docked so they had to reschedule. She was very reassuring stating that she explained to the other bride that ultimately my wedding is priority (which I personally wouldn't accept as a bride but anyway) since i had booked first. She also explained that she has done this in the past and it wouldn't be a problem at all.


While I sympathize with their issue, I really don't care and I feel that my wc is going to be preoccupied with another wedding on my day.


I am now looking for other WCs in St Thomas although I have not fully made the decision to stop working with my wc. I really like her and have had zero problems with her but (I know this is gonna sound spoiled brattish) I want her to myself on my day.


Should I continue working with her or just find someone elsehuh.gif

Please help!!!!

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Would it be possible to have your reception after the ceremony and do the island tour after that? Or, what time does your ship leave? Maybe you could have your reception after the second wedding.


If it were me, I probably wouldn't be happy about it. I'm not sure how much you have planned through her, though.. would it be hard to start working with another WC at this point?

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Would it be possible to have your reception after the ceremony and do the island tour after that? Or, what time does your ship leave? Maybe you could have your reception after the second wedding.


If it were me, I probably wouldn't be happy about it. I'm not sure how much you have planned through her, though.. would it be hard to start working with another WC at this point?

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Hey Ashley,

I understand your concern - but as a Event Manger (I plan weddings, and other corporate events) but it sounds like to me you are her first priority. However in saying this if your not comfortable with this then I think you need to find someone else. Personally I would not be to concerned unless you already feel she is not meeting your expectations -

hope this helps and best of luck.

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I would ask her what her plan is if your reception is at the same time as the other couples vow renewal. How does she plan to handle the situation? If her answer is a good one then I'd probably stay with her. From what you wrote it seems that you are her priority and she hasn't done anything to disappoint you so far. I'm surprised she took on another project without having everything for your day decided. I'd be worried if I were the other couple.

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I agree I think i'd be more worried if I was the other bride, saying that if you aren't comfortable you need to tell her and see if you can work something out with her as you do seem content with her and it would be a shame to spoil a good relationship if it could be dealt with easily

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Sounds like you have a great WC but......I don't think she should be doing any other weddnig on the same day, even if it is just a vow renewal. I do feel for the other bride but it shouldn't inconvenience you. I can't imagine not having a WC be there for you for the WHOLE TIME! I would talk to her about it, let her know your thoughts and let her make a decision about what to do. Can she get someone else to oversee the vow renewal? I don't think you sound bratty at all. I'd be really bummed too!

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Originally Posted by KLC77 View Post
I would ask her what her plan is if your reception is at the same time as the other couples vow renewal. How does she plan to handle the situation? If her answer is a good one then I'd probably stay with her. From what you wrote it seems that you are her priority and she hasn't done anything to disappoint you so far. I'm surprised she took on another project without having everything for your day decided. I'd be worried if I were the other couple.
I think that's the best way to go. But, if you are really uncomfortable with the situation; then you should absolutely find someone else.
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Well I've communicated with her all day and she said that if I decide to have a reception that's during the time of the other wedding then she'll be with me and have an assistant at the other wedding. To be honest if she would have told me she had assistants than this wouldn't even be an issue. So fortunately it is resolved and I think we were ab;e to salvage our relationship lol. Thanks for all ur advice.

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