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Worst Valentines day EVER!!


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I bought my fiance tickets to a comedy show that was last night as his valentines day present. The plan was for me to make dinner then go to the show. Everything was great until after dinner. Dinner was yummy, the candles were lit, it was romantic. We finished dinner early and were hanging out waiting to leave for the show. I was looking at wedding dresses and showed him one and here's how the dialogue went


Me: I LOVE this dress

Him: Yeah, it would look good on you too...if you were a size 2

<I'm a size 8>

Me: What?!

Him: Well, it just wouldn't look good on you


Here's the dress I showed him - Exclusive Bridals by Allure Style 2210


Here's a dress i've previously showed him that he said he liked - Alfred Angelo... Find the perfect Wedding Dress, Bridesmaid Dress, Prom Dress, Flower Girl Dress or Mother of the Bride Dress at Alfred Angelo.


WTF?!?! So naturally I was pretty pissed that he would be so insensitive and would actually say something like that! I removed myself from his presence and tried to calm down. I wanted nothing to do with him at this point. He comes and tells me its time to go. At this point I don't care if my money is wasted, I want nothing to do with him and don't want to be seen in public with him. He talks me into going and the whole ride there he's being over nice. However, he still wont' say he's sorry or anything - doesn't understand what he did. Thinks because its "the truth" that it was ok to say. anyway, the comedy show was hilarious and we tried to pretend like we could at least stand each other while all these other couples were together and happy and looked so sweet. I guess he'd has his limit because not a single word was said the whole ride home. We get home and he starts slamming doors - going to the bedroom, kicking the dog out and slamming the door closed. I slept on the couch with the dog. I'm so pissed and am on the verge of tears even now. Maybe I overreacted and should have just tried to get over it when he was actually being nice. But what a jerk! Nobody wants to hear that they wouldn't look good in a wedding dress and then for it to come from HIM when he doesn't know shit about how wedding dresses fit! The kicker is that its those kind of dresses (with the rouching in the middle) that look best on me because they hide everything!! GAH!

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First off... you are a size 8 I envy you lol... secondly, that is kind of rude to say even if it is his "truth". Personally, I think those dresses look better on a woman with a little curves.... my friend Leslie is a perfect size 8 and she looks amazing in those fitting dresses... and 99% of the time you wear spanx or some kind of shapewear under...even my friend who got married in June and is a size 2 wore spanx... tell FI that! Plus, I am sure he is not perfect either, and I think the difference is that you would have more tact than him. Sit down and tell him that it really upset you...and that you appreciate the truth, but that was kind of brutal, and you disagree (you hadn't even tried it on! It might look amazing!!) But don't hate on yourself at all. Those dresses start to look bad I think when you hit like a size 12-14 or so... you need to be on the slimmer side, and last time I checked.... size 8 is perfect... love you! Go try on a dress just like it, and see how it makes you feel!!! Don't feel bad!!!

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I agree with Joanna, I'd love to be a size 8. I always thought that size 8 was the average dress size anyway... I'd just let him know that it really hurt and he made you feel self-conscious when you really don't need to be. Like Joanna said, those dresses look much better on a girl with curves. I haven't seen too many ladies that are a size 2, but those I have seen don't have any curves at all, they're like a popsicle stick. Now not all are, everyone is built differently, but it's the curves that make a woman's body distinct from a man's body (aside from different "parts" lol).


Besides, when did he become a fashion designer? wink.gif lol

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Thanks. I HAVE tried on a dress similar to that and loved it...that's why i've pretty much only been looking at dress like it. So to hear that my fiance thinks I would look bad in it kills me. If he thinks I could look "bad" then does that mean he might not be physically attracted to me at times?!!? I AM trying to lose weight because I want to look great on our wedding day but if I don't, i'm not going to be unhappy with the way I look. I've been dress shopping with his mom and she agrees with me! She even says that I look great in dresses at the size I am now! I've struggled with weight my whole life and was a size 16 in my mid teens. He KNOWS what a touchy subject my weight is for me and I guess that's part of the reason i'm so damned angry.


PS- I decided that he's not getting any until I'm that size two he desires. Hehe

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Originally Posted by KJT1985 View Post
PS- I decided that he's not getting any until I'm that size two he desires. Hehe
lol I'd do the same thing! I'm very touchy over my weight too, and FI knows that I am. Actually, most girls are, because we think we're supposed to resemble magazine covers I think... Either way, I thought all guys were taught that the right answer to "Does this make my ass look big?" is ALWAYS "No, sweetie, it's perfect... Want some chocolate?" lol
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lol FI said a similar thing to me the other day - said "look you fat bastard when you look this good come and speak to me" lol I can't help it my temper goes when he says fat considering its not bloody small lol


If its any consulation I've just had a big fight with him because I said i'm not gritting my teeth and being nice for the wedding to his mother and no way in shite am I having my pic taken with the cow lmao

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Originally Posted by Hartyt509 View Post
lol FI said a similar thing to me the other day - said "look you fat bastard when you look this good come and speak to me" lol I can't help it my temper goes when he says fat considering its not bloody small lol

If its any consulation I've just had a big fight with him because I said i'm not gritting my teeth and being nice for the wedding to his mother and no way in shite am I having my pic taken with the cow lmao
lmao I always love your responses, because you don't take shit from ANYONE lol You say it exactly as it is, no beating around the bush, and that's definitely something I wish I could do. Besides, FI should keep quiet, you already lost enough that your dress doesn't fit anymore lol

We're all happy that our FI's are honest with us, but there are some things better left unsaid.... Especially if you're Harty's FI, because you risk getting a smack lol
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Hello Ladies,

I'm really sorry to hear about your V-Day KJT1985, and I also agree with the other members regarding a size 8 being a wonderful size. My FI and I recently read a book which really helped us figure out some stuff in our relationship. The book is called, "I love You and Now What", by Mabel Iam (I think that's her name). I would really recommend the book for all new brides to be.

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Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis View Post
We're all happy that our FI's are honest with us, but there are some things better left unsaid.... Especially if you're Harty's FI, because you risk getting a smack lol
Yep and as it's my house he risks getting thrown out on his ear lmao i was shaddow boxing with him and I caught him a really good right hook he sulked for ages lol
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