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Originally Posted by BrideToBe2010 View Post
Hi ladies!

I'm kinda sneaking in here ....sorry! I checked out the link at the bottom of BachataBride's siggy.

I live just outside both Kitchener and Waterloo in the puny town of Wellesley.

Just thought I'd drop in and say hello to fellow SW brides!

Hey, hey! Feel free to join in the chat!
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I am a lazy bugger..*lol* actually i have been busy helping out my MOH the last couple days. She developed blood clots in her legs from flying to Jamaica sad.gif and was taken to the hospital by ambulance lastnight so I have been with her lastnight and today.

I will have a review up by the end of the week..promise!!! I am still busy giving info to my Travel Agent in regards to skyservass! I sure hope something will come of this....keep your fingers crossed! Kayte..you really need to switch airlines....i will elaborate for you maybe on facebook!


PS.....warm welcome to Angela!!! hope you enjoy the thread and get in her and blab with us gals :)

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Welcome noobie! You don't know what you have gotten yourself into. It is still not to late to run! These ladies are crazy (except me, of course)


I would like to change the subject. Have any of you ladies tried to change your name yet? Do I need to wait for the real one? Someone please figure it out and then tell me how to do it.

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Here is my tune..."don't worry bout a thing cause every little thing is gonna be alright" *lol* been singing that sucker since i got home!!!

For your license you need the one with the seal on it (i asked yesterday about that). I think the simple stuff...banking, bills and stuff like that you can use the paper they gave you at the ceremony.

Hope this helps :)

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Originally Posted by christenew View Post
Welcome noobie! You don't know what you have gotten yourself into. It is still not to late to run! These ladies are crazy (except me, of course)

I would like to change the subject. Have any of you ladies tried to change your name yet? Do I need to wait for the real one? Someone please figure it out and then tell me how to do it.
Change of Name Process

If you are only changing your last name on DL, HC, SIN, Banking, CC etc. follow these instructions:

1. You MUST wait for your marriage certificate. (The bank may be willing to change your name with your register but most won't)

2. Change your DL first!! You will need this done first so you can use it at OHIP to change your HC.

3. Change your HC and then SIN.

4. Banking, CC etc. come next.

The most important document to change first is your DL. I have already changed mine and had no issues as I had my Marriage Certificate with me. I attempted to do my HC first and they said I needed to change my DL first.

If you are wanting to legally change your name on your Birth Certificate (I do not recommend this as because in the event you need to "resume your maiden name" it is a b*tch to change back) THEREFORE you need to contact Service Ontario to get the documentation to do a Legal Change of Name. It's a long process and would avoid it.

Otherwise, once your marriage license comes in do your DL and you are set to get everything else done.

(Back to work for me)
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Originally Posted by BrideToBe2010 View Post
Hi ladies!

I'm kinda sneaking in here ....sorry! I checked out the link at the bottom of BachataBride's siggy.

I live just outside both Kitchener and Waterloo in the puny town of Wellesley.

Just thought I'd drop in and say hello to fellow SW brides!

Welcome to the group! Hope you can keep up! I find if I miss a couple of days it is ridiculous to catch up. :)

But the ladies here are awesome, so I'm sure you'll fit right in.

I live in Guelph, so not too far from you.

Oh, and I won't be hot-tubbing with you gals on the 21st unfortuntely as that's DH's birthday. I'm sure I'd be in the doghouse if I decided to ditch him that night... but I AM tempted...
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Originally Posted by chicklet View Post
Here is my tune..."don't worry bout a thing cause every little thing is gonna be alright" *lol* been singing that sucker since i got home!!!
For your license you need the one with the seal on it (i asked yesterday about that). I think the simple stuff...banking, bills and stuff like that you can use the paper they gave you at the ceremony.
Hope this helps :)
Reading your post reminds me of my children. When we were on our way to the airport for our wedding Jeff made a Bob Marley CD. Well the kids love listening to it. One day (around christmas time) we were in the van and that song came on..all 4 kids broke out in song and now it's our "family song"
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Originally Posted by chika View Post
Welcome to the group! Hope you can keep up! I find if I miss a couple of days it is ridiculous to catch up. :)

But the ladies here are awesome, so I'm sure you'll fit right in.

I live in Guelph, so not too far from you.

Oh, and I won't be hot-tubbing with you gals on the 21st unfortuntely as that's DH's birthday. I'm sure I'd be in the doghouse if I decided to ditch him that night... but I AM tempted...
How about this...set up a guys night for his birthday and you can come hot tubbing with us..he'll appreciate the fact that he needs some guy time LOL
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Wow...just missing an evening & there is a tonne to catch up on!


Ok so here goes...


Welcome Angela (#2!)!!!

Hope you enjoy our ranting & raving, get together planning, blabbering & just overall craziness!! You are more than welcome to join us on the 21st for a get together at my house!



Angela (#1)...that is awful about your friend. I hope she's doing ok now. Have you found out your work schedule?? Can you join us on the 21st? It won't be the same without you!!


Christene....admit it - you are just as crazy as the rest of us!! Maybe just not as vocal about it!! LOL


Tanya...thanks for the tips! I have to wait to get my MC (who knows how long that will be!) Then we have to get to translated into English! What a PITA!!


Shelley...I think your DH might be ok with you going to a party with a bunch of girls in the hot tub if he could come!! But unfortunately no boys allowed!! I'm even kicking my DH out! (much to his disappointment!) You'll have to join us next time!


Phew...is that it?? Did I get them all!?! LOL


Have a fantastic day ladies!! smile03.gif

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Originally Posted by Ellipse22 View Post
Change of Name Process

If you are only changing your last name on DL, HC, SIN, Banking, CC etc. follow these instructions:

1. You MUST wait for your marriage certificate. (The bank may be willing to change your name with your register but most won't)

2. Change your DL first!! You will need this done first so you can use it at OHIP to change your HC.

3. Change your HC and then SIN.

4. Banking, CC etc. come next.

The most important document to change first is your DL. I have already changed mine and had no issues as I had my Marriage Certificate with me. I attempted to do my HC first and they said I needed to change my DL first.

If you are wanting to legally change your name on your Birth Certificate (I do not recommend this as because in the event you need to "resume your maiden name" it is a b*tch to change back) THEREFORE you need to contact Service Ontario to get the documentation to do a Legal Change of Name. It's a long process and would avoid it.

Otherwise, once your marriage license comes in do your DL and you are set to get everything else done.

(Back to work for me)
Thanks Tan!! :) This clears up a lot for me. Can you change your passport if your birth certificate is in your maiden name?? I would like to have my married name on my passport. What do i need to do for this?
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