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Wedding Decor question

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I'm thinking of using Del Cabo Event Design to rent some decor items for the wedding, but they're asking for 80% of the bill to be paid for now, 6 months before the wedding. I'm not sure if I feel comfortable shelling out thousands of dollars to a company this far in advance... Is this the norm for most wedding vendors in los cabos? Am I being too picky for not wanting to pay so much so far ahead? Did anyone else have to do this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Have you talked with your hotel about the decor they have to offer there? I'm doing a very simple wedding at The Riu. They are giving me flowers for the gazebo and some chair ties for the wedding. I did add some arrangements for the reception. They are probably asking for deposit in case you decide to cancel but I'm sure you wil make the right decision and your wedding will be great! You will be getting married at Dreams the weekend before me, are you guys staying any longer after your wedding. We arrive on the 12th of August and leave the 20th!

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Hi Jo


T speaks nothing but the true.

Some vendors ask for a 50% up front, other for a non-refundable deposit, it all depends on their policies, Del Cabo is a great company you couldn't have choosen a better one. But 80% it does sound too much, I think that if you talk with them you might be able to do a 50%, like T and I do, but it is a way for Us, as companies to protect ourselves in case something goes sour.


It might sound harsh, but I know that you can understand our point of view, I bet that if you talk with them, you'll work womething better.

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80% sounds like a lot! The most I've seen with any of my vendors so far is 50%. See if you can negotiate with them to give 50% instead of 80%?


On another note, do you happen to have the 2009 price list for Del Cabo Event Design? I can only find the 2008 price list and I want to make sure prices haven't jumped a lot before I contact them. If you have it, can you email it to me?

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Originally Posted by jojoboone1109 View Post
Have you talked with your hotel about the decor they have to offer there? I'm doing a very simple wedding at The Riu. They are giving me flowers for the gazebo and some chair ties for the wedding. I did add some arrangements for the reception. They are probably asking for deposit in case you decide to cancel but I'm sure you wil make the right decision and your wedding will be great! You will be getting married at Dreams the weekend before me, are you guys staying any longer after your wedding. We arrive on the 12th of August and leave the 20th!
Yeah, we're planning to arrive on the 5th of August and leave on the 15th! I probably won't have time to actually have a vacation until after the wedding anyway :)
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Originally Posted by *Heather* View Post
80% sounds like a lot! The most I've seen with any of my vendors so far is 50%. See if you can negotiate with them to give 50% instead of 80%?

On another note, do you happen to have the 2009 price list for Del Cabo Event Design? I can only find the 2008 price list and I want to make sure prices haven't jumped a lot before I contact them. If you have it, can you email it to me?
Del Cabo sent me their 2008 prices, so I'm guessing they haven't changed for 2009 as my prices are based on that list. If you need the 2008 list let me know!
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