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I feel like my Wedding Day is being sabotaged!!


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OMG! I can't believe this girl...

I am getting married at the Aventura Spa Palace and originally had the same issue with pricing...I told my friends they could stay wherever and I would pay their day pass...I have two bridesmaids and one decided to stay at the hotel and one wanted to save money and stay somewhere else. I told the one that was staying with us how I felt and had her talk to my other friend. Neither of them have booked yet, but I'm pretty sure they will both be staying with us. As for the other people that may be coming their attitude seems to be that they want to stay where everyone else is staying. So if I can get one person on board, I think the rest will follow. The more I thought about it, it would totally suck if everyone stayed somewhere else. Not just for the cost of the day passes, but I really wanted everyone to be together. I wish I had never offered the day pass/stay somewhere else thing. I should have just said stay here or don't come and the people that really cared would be there...

I'm so sorry you are going through this. Is there another friend that you can talk to to help you work everything out with this girl? Honestly, I wouldn't even want her at my wedding...hope she wasn't a really close friend sad.gif

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Originally Posted by rach220 View Post
OMG! I can't believe this girl...
I am getting married at the Aventura Spa Palace and originally had the same issue with pricing...I told my friends they could stay wherever and I would pay their day pass...I have two bridesmaids and one decided to stay at the hotel and one wanted to save money and stay somewhere else. I told the one that was staying with us how I felt and had her talk to my other friend. Neither of them have booked yet, but I'm pretty sure they will both be staying with us. As for the other people that may be coming their attitude seems to be that they want to stay where everyone else is staying. So if I can get one person on board, I think the rest will follow. The more I thought about it, it would totally suck if everyone stayed somewhere else. Not just for the cost of the day passes, but I really wanted everyone to be together. I wish I had never offered the day pass/stay somewhere else thing. I should have just said stay here or don't come and the people that really cared would be there...
I'm so sorry you are going through this. Is there another friend that you can talk to to help you work everything out with this girl? Honestly, I wouldn't even want her at my wedding...hope she wasn't a really close friend sad.gif

I'm totally feeling the same way right now! I wish I hadn't even mentioned staying at another hotel.. She is a really close friend and it's not like her to say something like that.
I have been talking to her today and she has said that she will stay at MP if the travel agent I have looking can find a better price than she got. I still haven't got a straight answer from her as to why she thought the resort is boring. I also talked to my other gf who is supposed to be staying with her and she said it doesn't matter to her either. So, why say something like that if it doesn't matter to you where you stay. I would just tell her forget it, but I don't have the heart. I just don't want to cause a big scene... If it comes down to it and her and my other friends stay at a different resort than I will let them know I'm not paying for their day passes.. it's not in our budget to pay for so many people. I also have no idea who else she sent that e-mail to.. no one has said anything to me about it.
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Okay, I am just seeing this now ... but I am mad for you!


Seriously, what is wrong with people? Why do they all feel that Facebook is the appropriate place to say something like that so publicly?!?!?! That just annoys me.


And, it's not the location that makes a party; it's the people. Evidently, she is not enough fun to make things interesting; so she is obviously concerned that her truly boring nature will surface.


Either way, you are nicer than me. I would write her back on Facebook and tell her that since she feels the wedding will be boring; then you would appreciate her not attending as to not ruin the fun others will be having.


And.. if she wants to stay at another resort; that is her choice. There is NO way you should have to pay for her day pass.


Why are people such inconsiderate idiots sometimes? Even if SHE claims she wasn't the one who originally said it - why would she forward the bad feelings and bad taste on through FB?


GRRR... sorry, inconsiderate people just really bother me!

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Wow, no matter how close this person would be to me (or precisely the closest the more honest I would be), I would just reply publicly "if you think the place is boring I do not even understand why you bother coming... as it's probably going to be a boring wedding"... I would just clash ! That way the roles would be reversed and SHE would be the one having a bad time over it, not YOU !


WTF. Don't let people eat you. You have enough on your plate with the planning.

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I would be SO pissed. Honestly, you handled it much better than I would have, I probably would have lashed out, LOL! I would have uninvited her, no matter how long I knew her for. Maybe I'm not very nice?


I didn't even offer people the option to stay elsewhere. I want my group rate perks. *greedy* We really need them, or it's going to get a little expensive!


I hope she comes around. Did you talk to her in person? Maybe if she could see how upset she made you, she'd understand a little better. To be honest, I didn't invite friends that I thought would be wanting to just go down to party and be drunk and try to relive their college years. I was pretty selective and only ended up inviting like 5 or 6 friends outside of family. I was afraid of that...and if anyone shows up sloppy to my wedding ceremony I'll flip!

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