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Help! WC Advice.

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I've been talking with a WC the came highly recommended on this site. However, every time I email her, she doesn't respond within the same day and blames it on her email server problems. I'm the type of person that emails a lot and would expect a WC to respond almost immediately with answers to my questions. Is that asking too much? Just wanted to know what people's experience were and if I'm expecting too much from my WC. Any advice would be great. Thanks....



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Hi Shorty


I don't know how fast she might be replying to your mails, but you can try and send her all the questions and info you need to know in one huge mail, that way, she can reply the same way, one huge mail with all your questions answered.


At least, that makes it a lot easier for me and gives me plenty of time to find out what you need and also come up with different options so you can judge by yourself each one of them.


Anyways, I hope this helps, and still... Happy Planning, I'm sure it's just a bump on the road

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Originally Posted by BBW View Post
Hi Shorty

I don't know how fast she might be replying to your mails, but you can try and send her all the questions and info you need to know in one huge mail, that way, she can reply the same way, one huge mail with all your questions answered.

At least, that makes it a lot easier for me and gives me plenty of time to find out what you need and also come up with different options so you can judge by yourself each one of them.

Anyways, I hope this helps, and still... Happy Planning, I'm sure it's just a bump on the road
I am also a frequent emailer with many short conversations and always have been. However, I found this was the best way to work with my WC thru the resort. She is obviously VERY busy. So I try to giveher that courtesy to work the best way possible together.
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I feel you. I had this same concern at first. It took me a while to realize that my WC is working on a wedding almost every day and that she is busy and not in front of a computer often. If I had it my way she would be like me and have a black berry attached to her hip and be able to answer my questions throughout the day, however that is not the case. I have come to realize that if I send her everything I can come up with in one day, she ususaly can answer those questions by the next day. When I get that email, I respond with my next set of questions. I have found it most beneficial to put my questions in a number format like this:




So that everything gets addressed. Most of the time it does, if it gets skipped, its easy to just add it to the list the next time.

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Originally Posted by deefalvey View Post
I feel you. I had this same concern at first. It took me a while to realize that my WC is working on a wedding almost every day and that she is busy and not in front of a computer often. If I had it my way she would be like me and have a black berry attached to her hip and be able to answer my questions throughout the day, however that is not the case. I have come to realize that if I send her everything I can come up with in one day, she ususaly can answer those questions by the next day. When I get that email, I respond with my next set of questions. I have found it most beneficial to put my questions in a number format like this:
So that everything gets addressed. Most of the time it does, if it gets skipped, its easy to just add it to the list the next time.
Thanks Deefalvey. I guess I need to realize not everyone is on a blackberry like me. :o)

I just pm'ed u. Wanted to ask you about Dreams.
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My dearest brides...


This is the most common thing that happens between a bride who lives 1K miles away vs. the wedding coordinator (anywhere in the world) who is trying her best to get things done.


Through time, I have realized that even if the wedding coordinator does have a blackberry she will become a robot! I've seen it happen many times, the bride or groom or anybody for that matter is trying to talk to her wedding coordinator during THEIR wedding day and the wedding coordinator is spacing out trying to read all the e-mails that come in her little "wonder phone".


A good wedding coordinator WILL NOT reply right away during the day and will not reply on her blackberry during someone else's wedding. So ladies, don't expect a fast reply, give the courtesy e-mail ettiquette of 24 hours.


Most coordinators in Cabo work during the morning at their office let's say from 9-1pm then they go and do the actual arrangements for the wedding of the day. You need to realize that Cabo is quite different from any place in the world.


There are wedding coordinators who have a wedding each day of the week, there's some hotels that have up to 4 weddings per day. In Cabo, every day is a weekend day.


Adriana from BBW made a really good point, get as many questions as you can in one e-mail and then you will get many answers at once.


Happy planning to you all and enjoy the process... The reward is on your wedding day!


Best always,

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My dearest brides...


This is the most common thing that happens between a bride who lives 1K miles away vs. the wedding coordinator (anywhere in the world) who is trying her best to get things done.


Through time, I have realized that even if the wedding coordinator does have a blackberry she will become a robot! I've seen it happen many times, the bride or groom or anybody for that matter is trying to talk to her wedding coordinator during THEIR wedding day and the wedding coordinator is spacing out trying to read all the e-mails that come in her little "wonder phone".


A good wedding coordinator WILL NOT reply right away during the day and will not reply on her blackberry during someone else's wedding. So ladies, don't expect a fast reply, give the courtesy e-mail ettiquette of 24 hours.


Most coordinators in Cabo work during the morning at their office let's say from 9-1pm then they go and do the actual arrangements for the wedding of the day. You need to realize that Cabo is quite different from any place in the world.


There are wedding coordinators who have a wedding each day of the week, there's some hotels that have up to 4 weddings per day. In Cabo, every day is a weekend day.


Adriana from BBW made a really good point, get as many questions as you can in one e-mail and then you will get many answers at once.


Happy planning to you all and enjoy the process... The reward is on your wedding day!


Best always,

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Hello dear "shorty"...cute nickname.

I'm no WC but if you're stressed out with this WC, I'm sure you could try somebody whom you feel pampered with. May I add that just because this person is "highly recommended", doesn't mean or certify anything at some point or another. There are some of us (I'm not a WC) that aren't known yet, but deliver our very best every single time. I'm sure there are plenty of other choices, Shorty!


Originally Posted by shorty1004 View Post
I've been talking with a WC the came highly recommended on this site. However, every time I email her, she doesn't respond within the same day and blames it on her email server problems. I'm the type of person that emails a lot and would expect a WC to respond almost immediately with answers to my questions. Is that asking too much? Just wanted to know what people's experience were and if I'm expecting too much from my WC. Any advice would be great. Thanks....



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I am the exact same way - I email like a mad woman. I have been working with my wedding coordinator for awhile now and will typically hear back from her within two weeks. It drives me insane. I know she is super busy, so I try to calm down. I started a list and add to it daily and then plan on having a telephone conversation with her to get things answered. I don't think you are asking too much to get an answer right away, but make sure to realize that he/she is probably really busy working with many other brides. I would give it at least 3 days and if you don't hear from him/her I would sent another email. That is what I do anyways.

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