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Are you changing your name?

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Originally Posted by Bridget810 View Post
I am not changing my name, and it is not for vanity reasons (though I would totally use that as an excuse if I could!!), as my fiance has a lovely last name. I let him know from the beginning that I had full intentions of keeping my name. While he was upset at first, I just said: "how would you feel if you lived as Mr. XX XXXX for 28 years, and established your identity, and then you married and had to change your name--and your identity? Would you do it?" He admitted that he would not like it one bit! Then I explained my feminist (no--not a bad word!) ideology--that women were just expected to do so. I'm not saying it's wrong to change your name; I'm just saying that it should be a choice. And, personally, I like my name. I have agreed, however, to consider hyphenating my last name when we have kids, to avoid confusion. Once you explain why you want to keep your name, I find that most guys are pretty agreeable. If not; well, that's a whole other issue! Good luck to you (and Girl Power!!!). :)
Well said! I spoke to him more about it (and used your question - thanks :) )
and he said it really is okay and seems a lot better about it.
I told him I would reconsider changing my name (except for professionally b/c all of my diplomas and licenses are under my last name) when we have children - and he said he's fine with that..
I think guys don't realize how much this means to a lot of women..

Thanks for sharing your opinions on this :)
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i havent changed mine yet! its so much trouble. id have to change my ss card, tx drivers license, and all of my passports, and account info. it pisses me off when people ask me if i am going to change it.... i want to say... when dh decides to contact that DPS and go to the embassy and do all of the paperwork for me then i will! lol I will do it but im not in a rush.

I am dropping my middle name and making it my maiden.

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Originally Posted by melwru View Post
Exciting! I LOVE finding "locals" on BDW!
OMG I am from Regina also... wow.. scary

I am changing my name for my life.. lol.. but as far as work goes I am going by my maiden (ewe.. <-- first time I said that) name. All my certificiates and desgnations in my office will be in my old name, so I will change all the formal docs, (insurance, payroll) to his, but keep my business cards in my maiden name..
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I have decided to add my FI's name to the end of my name once we're married - no hyphen. My maiden name will legally be a second middle name. I will also add my maiden name into my kids middle names as well. They will have one last name, but my name will be with them as well.


Professionnally I am keeping my maiden name and not changing it. I work in disability insurance and people often won't use their last name at all, so my maiden name will be an alias of sorts. It keeps people from finding out where I live and my phone number and such...


It is also important my children and I have the same last name since my mom used 3 different last names when I was a child and my teacher's were always confused...she had my father's name, then she changed it back to her maiden name, and then she re-married and changed it to my step-father's name. She was often called by "Mrs. my last name" anyways.

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I'm not planning on dropping my maiden name instead, I'll continue the tradition in my family by keeping my last name and adding the word "De" and the my FI last name. "De" means being part of or belonging to... I'm so proud to be part of him and his crazy a$$ family!


By the way my middle name is Elizabeth too!!!!

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