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Bull Fighting Bachelor Party?

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My fiance would like to witness a traditional Mexican bullfight. After reseraching online I found that they take place on Wednesday nights at 5pm prior to going out on the town. Just wanted to know if anyone has done it or witnessed it? I know its not politically correct for all, but he wants to do it for his bachelor party.

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I went to one when I was in Spain several years ago - I may be the only one, but I didn't realize they actually kill the bull.. It was one of the most cruel and gruesome things I have ever seen in my life... several of the guys in our group even had to walk out it was so bad.. so anyway, if he really wants to go I still think he should do it - but he should realize what he is getting into.. the way they kill the bull really is brutal and cruel - he should at least watch it on youtube and think about if that is what he really wants for his bachelor party..

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i've been to quite a few since i lived in spain for a while. without sounding particularly heartless, i like them. they can be tough to watch if it's your first time and it does get bloody. if the fighter does particularly well, they cut the bull's ears off. if nothing else, the atmosphere is really fun and it's something your fi will never forget. but a good thing to know is (at least in spain) the bull isn't just killed in "vain", if you will. there is a butcher van waiting outside and the meat is sold to restaurants.

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Im usually not one to pass judgement... but I think what they do to those bulls is weak and cowardly. I am a hunter and as a hunter we try not to put the animal in any pain and for sure we don't torture the animals we hunt. Whereas the bull fighter repeatedly drives a sword into the animal. might as well go and kick your dog or cat until it can't move anymore while your at it....


the bull will never win... so what if he sticks the first bull fighter, the second will come out and finish off the torture of the animal..


i feel better.

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I went to a bull fight in Guanajuato, Mexico three years ago and I was disgusted. I couldn't watch, it was the worst thing I had ever witnessed. After all the blood a horse came out and dragged the bull out leaving a blood trail! it was horrible and I would never go to one again!

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Originally Posted by DGG View Post
I went to one when I was in Spain several years ago - I may be the only one, but I didn't realize they actually kill the bull.. It was one of the most cruel and gruesome things I have ever seen in my life... several of the guys in our group even had to walk out it was so bad.. so anyway, if he really wants to go I still think he should do it - but he should realize what he is getting into.. the way they kill the bull really is brutal and cruel - he should at least watch it on youtube and think about if that is what he really wants for his bachelor party..
Yes, he's well aware that the bull gets killed but since its an authentic Mexican tradition he really wants to do it with his mates coming over from Australia. I'm not sure if we (girls) will be joining but thanks for the heads up.
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Originally Posted by Nic Dragomire View Post
Im usually not one to pass judgement... but I think what they do to those bulls is weak and cowardly. I am a hunter and as a hunter we try not to put the animal in any pain and for sure we don't torture the animals we hunt. Whereas the bull fighter repeatedly drives a sword into the animal. might as well go and kick your dog or cat until it can't move anymore while your at it....

the bull will never win... so what if he sticks the first bull fighter, the second will come out and finish off the torture of the animal..

i feel better.
I agree with you. Its something he wants to do (he's also a hunter - I'm not) and since its already going to take place with or without his attendance he'd like to witness it.
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I have been to the bullfights in Puerto Vallarta - as long as you are prepared (many in the crowd were not, we were) it is interesting to see. We only stayed for three fights rather than the whole evening and were fortunate enough to see a female matador.


Please remember that although this is not something that we would do in canada or the us, it is part of the mexican culture. I will say that it is certainly not for everybody - you have to go with an open mind if you are going to go.


if you are interested in seeing some of our photos from the PV bullfight, please pm me.



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