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Hi girls,

I've probably seen a thread like this somewhere (maybe I wrote it down...don't know LOL).


I would like to know for those of you who are doing legal ceremony in the states but then having non-legal ceremony in Cabo....who are you having to do your wedding (minister, friend, family member.....ect..).

If you are having a minister are you bringing him/her to Cabo with you or getting them from Cabo?

I'm searching for a minister to do our non-legal wedding on the beach and don't know who to look for....I've heard and seen in some pictures that Maye (coordinator) does weddings herself or has her husband do this....I'm sorry but I don't want that.


Please help.


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I am having my uncle (who is a former priest) do our ceremony. It won't be legal, but I wanted him to perform it - I've known that since forever! For us, we want everything to be super personal, I don't want some joe-schmoe up there with us, IMO a family member (even if he's never been ordained before) is such a nice touch. If my uncle couldn't do it I would try to find another family member or friend that would. That's just me though - I know people who didn't really care who it was...

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I'm getting married in the states before, and the minister that I'm using in Cabo is Rev. Scott Parsons. Cabo San Lucas Wedding Minister - Rev. Scott A. Parsons, D.D.


There were a couple of great reviews on here about him and one bad review on here somewhere, where he forgot or got sick for someone's wedding. I haven't had any problems or concerns with him. I met him last august during our trip to cabo and my Fi and i both liked him.

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Originally Posted by CABOBRIDE200 View Post
I'm getting married in the states before, and the minister that I'm using in Cabo is Rev. Scott Parsons. Cabo San Lucas Wedding Minister - Rev. Scott A. Parsons, D.D.

There were a couple of great reviews on here about him and one bad review on here somewhere, where he forgot or got sick for someone's wedding. I haven't had any problems or concerns with him. I met him last august during our trip to cabo and my Fi and i both liked him.
Thanks Jessalyn
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