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Barceló Maya Colonial Beach

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Oh dear, I am not too certain. We are getting legally married here first, it's a secret though- only my parents will know, so I'm not to certain about the documentation. Best bet, email your WC and ask her. Then, post her reply on here!!!!


Yeah, well here is the bathing suit story. I have been on weight watchers for almost a year and have lost 30 plus pounds on it. Before that I had lost 20, so in total I have gone from a 224 to current weight of 177, I'm 5'8 almost 5'9. I want to get down to 164 for the wedding, and, on weight watchers, that is my target weight too. So, as a visual goal, 30 pounds ago, I went out to Walmart and bought a heck of a lot of bikinis to motivate me. Then, whenever I felt discourage and wanting to snack, I would go and pull them out, remembering what I was losing the weight for.


Now, that I'm closer to my goal and I have a little bit of saggy skin [gross] I am buying more reasonable looking suits/tankinis/bikinis and might only take a few of the original bikinis with me.


That's my story. :)



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we were legally married there and it was easy for the most part. When we arrived we had a letter at the desk about the appointment with WC (Gabriella) and a appointment with the DR for the blood work/paper work. When we went to see the DR. we both had to pay and give blood. The Dr needed our passports

(they made a copy of them) then Gabriella need both our passports and tourist card. She also needed this from the 4 people we were having as are whitenesses. The all needed to be done 4 days before the wedding. It was very EASY! We did not need our birth certificates... you only need this if you have been married before. But if you are both getting married for the first time you should only need what we needed the tourist card and your passport. They do NOT have to be translated. Everyone speaks English. My husband does speak Spanish BUT This is not a must and I who speaks a little Spanish was just fine.

Keep asking questions!

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IndianBride...no were not having a welcome dinner I wasn't aware there was such a thing, what's it all about? Sounds interesting!

Smartinez, thank you again for the helpful information it seems the Barcelo is a little eaiser pertaining to that stuff then other resorts!! "Good For Us" ha-ha What day did you arrive to the resort?

Heather007, that is just awesome about your weight loss, you must feel like a completely different person!! We were thinking of getting married here then doing the renewal in Mexico seems to make the whole process a little eaiser!

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Originally Posted by IndianBride View Post
Is anyone having a private welcome dinner at Barcelo before their wedding?
We aren't having a private welcome dinner, but we are having a welcome cocktail on the Monday at 3:00p.m. in the Puebla [Colonial Beach Lobby Bar]. We were thinking about a dinner, but that got veto'd out by our families because they did not think it was a good idea to make our guests take time out of their holiday for a supper. This way, the welcome cocktail is our meet and great for our guests and we are handing out our OOT bags then too.

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We did the welcome drink thing. we were going to do a welcome dinner BUT the only place you can make a reservation for a large-ish group (we had 50+) is at the buffets. And you have to do it early. If you have a smaller group like 10-15 I think you could have a welcome dinner at one of the other places (with reservations). We got there on a Saturday and had our wedding on Friday. We did not really have to be there until Monday (for the 4days to count so it could be legal) BUT we thought since we did not have to take more days off work why not go early! In total we were there for 11 days!!! It was GREAT! Wish we could go back!thewave.gif

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We are arriving on Sunday and our wedding is on Thursday. Originally, we were going to get married legally there, but then we decided to get married legally here first, so that we wouldn't have to wait for our certificate, to do all the paper work here, etc. We have some friends that waited close to seven months before their paper work came. Plus, the idea of a foreign doctor taking my blood, creeps me out a lot. LoL. So, it only cost around $20.00 and it takes like fifteen minutes. We aren't doing anything too formal, just going to sign the paper work.


On a total off-topic topic. Can anyone else believe how close Christmas is?



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The thought of getting blood taken creeps me out a little too to be honest! But I just think that people get it done daily!!! ha-ha tends to meake me feel a little better!

About Christmas it's nuts how close it's getting!!!

Is it as cold there as it is here!? It's like -47 with the wind-chill!

Makes Mexico seem like such a good idea!

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Has anyone getting married or been married at the Colonial had the sea breeze package? I am asking as we just received the menu and are supposed to pick our options but were finding it a little confusing? Did any one else expierience this as well?

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