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Kissing Game

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lol no, not 7 Minutes in Heaven - the wedding kissing game!


I actually think this "game" gets really old after like the first clink of a glass, but guest seem to insist on doing it. Aaron and I were thinking of doing a trivia about us. If you get it right, we'll kiss - if not, there is some form of punishment for you! (hehe)


I've also heard of singing songs with the word "love" in them.


I think we'll probably stick with the trivia - but I was wondering if anyone else knew of any other traditions. Plus - do people really still do this? If we don't set up the trivia are people going to clink their damn glasses?! For those of you who have been married already - what did you do, and if nothing - did people do the clinking? I HATE the clinking!

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i am getting bells for the tables (just one per table) and that will be for kissing.

the trivia thing was used at a wedding I went to for getting to go to the buffet line next-it was funny what people will talk about for food.

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another one i've seen is that if someone wants you to kiss, they have to first stand up and kiss someone. if it's all couples, no big deal - but it can get interesting! i think i've also seen people have them draw names to see who they have to kiss. may have made for even more fun at Melissa's wedding!

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Originally Posted by akh View Post
another one i've seen is that if someone wants you to kiss, they have to first stand up and kiss someone. if it's all couples, no big deal - but it can get interesting! i think i've also seen people have them draw names to see who they have to kiss. may have made for even more fun at Melissa's wedding!
I've seen that too - the "intensity" of their kiss the newlyweds have to match. That can get... weird!
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we went to a wedding where if you wanted the couple to kiss, you had to sing a song with the word love in it, it was pretty hilarious, people were getting really into it, it was also a large wedding, I don't know how well it would work with a small one.

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My sisters wedding we drew names of couples. If that couple kissed, they would kiss... but you had to do it the same way! So, for instance, my boyfriend lifted me up and kissed me. My brother-in-law had to lift up my sister... in her huge puffy dress! VERY funny.

We did rig it though. We made sure that we drew certain couples every now and then. So, we'd draw the grandparents... or the parents... or my brother-in-laws brother who brought a random girl... that was funny!

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Originally Posted by jilly76 View Post
we went to a wedding where if you wanted the couple to kiss, you had to sing a song with the word love in it, it was pretty hilarious, people were getting really into it, it was also a large wedding, I don't know how well it would work with a small one.
We did that at one of my uncle's weddings...a big group of us got up and sang wild thing...it was so hilarious, I thought I would pee my pants before we were done singing

We had the glass clinking...thank goodness there was only one table who was really doing it because they were starting to drive us crazy.
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