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"Twilight" Series and Movie Discussion--WARNING! Spoilers!


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Originally Posted by CaliaA07 View Post
If you want a great vamp series you should read Laurell K. Hamiltons Anita Blake series. Now I will warn you there is ALOT and I mean alot of sex in her books. But if you don't mind they are great. I'd call them semi fluff but the story line is amazing!!
How many books are in the Laurell K. Hamiltons' Anita Blake series? I tried to do a search at Borders, but over 76 books came up in the results. I read the summary on a few of them. I'm actually interested in the series. I just don't know where to start. TIA
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So...I have to go against everyone here and say that I don't understand what all the hype was about?? I read the first book in the series and found it very sloooow. Am I just missing something?? I felt like I was waiting for something big to happen, and it never did! I was very excited to read it as EVERYONE is talking about it, but now I'm not sure if it's even worth it to read the rest of the series.....did most people find the first book slow??

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Originally Posted by JBinjour View Post
How many books are in the Laurell K. Hamiltons' Anita Blake series? I tried to do a search at Borders, but over 76 books came up in the results. I read the summary on a few of them. I'm actually interested in the series. I just don't know where to start. TIA
I first have to say I LOVE Laurell. She is by far one of my favorite authors. Her books are fluff but sooooo addicting. She has two series. Anita Blake Vampire and the Merry Gentry series. The Anite Blake series has 16 books but I think a new one just came out so it might be 17. They are actually in the discussions to make a movie!! A little forewarning. The first few books of AB are quite different from the later books. I don't know what happened but she has a LOT of sex in her books. And I mean alot. So if that is something that bothers you then I'm just warning you. But it doesn't bother me at all. The first book in the series is Guilty Pleasures. You can actually get all the books in paperback except the last one probably.

The Merry Gentry series is awesome too. It only has 7 books. I don't think she has a set number for her series. She just keeps writing. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I LOVE these books! Reminds me I need to go to the bookshop and get the latest one!

And completely different topic. I read the Host. And it was pretty good. Different from Twilight but pretty good. I think it would make a good movie.
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Originally Posted by CaliaA07 View Post
I first have to say I LOVE Laurell. She is by far one of my favorite authors. Her books are fluff but sooooo addicting. She has two series. Anita Blake Vampire and the Merry Gentry series. The Anite Blake series has 16 books but I think a new one just came out so it might be 17. They are actually in the discussions to make a movie!! A little forewarning. The first few books of AB are quite different from the later books. I don't know what happened but she has a LOT of sex in her books. And I mean alot. So if that is something that bothers you then I'm just warning you. But it doesn't bother me at all. The first book in the series is Guilty Pleasures. You can actually get all the books in paperback except the last one probably.

The Merry Gentry series is awesome too. It only has 7 books. I don't think she has a set number for her series. She just keeps writing. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I LOVE these books! Reminds me I need to go to the bookshop and get the latest one!

And completely different topic. I read the Host. And it was pretty good. Different from Twilight but pretty good. I think it would make a good movie.

oh good, i am to buy anita series used. thanks.
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Originally Posted by CaliaA07 View Post
I wasn't sayin anything bad about the author. She's an author and can write whatever she wants. I was only talking about all the parents our there that are LDS who judged the book by the author. I'm an author . I should say I'm a published author so I totally understand writing from different viewpoints. I do it in my writing. I like to write from the other side of things. It makes it fun and you learn more. So that's totally fine. I wasn't saying she should keep sex out of books at all. Just that people were judging her based on her religion and reading them based on that fact. Sorry I make no sense and am again rambling. I'm thinking we should make a thread discussing what we like and don't like about the book. I think I might of spoiled and gave stuff away to people who haven't finished. I'd love to discuss some other stuff. Especially that name. UGH! How do you even pronounce it?!?!
Not to bring this up again, but I completely understand what you are saying. LDS are letting their kids read it because they assume it's a good book because the author follows the same religion. But I think the parents really need to be careful because she may have grown up LDS, but might not follow it now, and they may just market her as LDS to attract that group of readers, kwim? In the same way that someone who practices the Roman Catholic religion can write a book about murder, something their religion is completely against (and society in general), someone who is LDS or any religion for that matter may not write EVERY book about something their church would approve of. I'm rambling now too lol But I understand what you're saying, parents need to be careful of what their children are reading, not just about religion, because I think most parents would be freaked out if their 8-10 year old was reading about sex, no matter what religion they are.
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Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis View Post
Not to bring this up again, but I completely understand what you are saying. LDS are letting their kids read it because they assume it's a good book because the author follows the same religion. But I think the parents really need to be careful because she may have grown up LDS, but might not follow it now, and they may just market her as LDS to attract that group of readers, kwim? In the same way that someone who practices the Roman Catholic religion can write a book about murder, something their religion is completely against (and society in general), someone who is LDS or any religion for that matter may not write EVERY book about something their church would approve of. I'm rambling now too lol But I understand what you're saying, parents need to be careful of what their children are reading, not just about religion, because I think most parents would be freaked out if their 8-10 year old was reading about sex, no matter what religion they are.

Thank you. I feel like I wasn't rambling. You totally explained it. Thanks!!!

Btw the movie comes out Friday!!
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