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Feedback needed:Return Wedding Reception

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We currently have 28 people booked at the hotel for the wedding and the wedding is 7 months away. However we are leaving plently of people behind i.e. individuals with children who do not hav child care or our senior citizen friends. So many people have asked if we were having something when we returened home. I'm not totally against the concept but I was wonding if this is common for destination weddings to have a celebration at home as well. Is anyone having a party when they return from their destination wedding? What type of party where you planning?



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I think it's pretty common! We're having a cocktail reception when we return and we've rented a DJ for the evening. We will have a slide show prepared of the Jamaica wedding so that everyone who's important to us has a chance to see the wedding/trip photos. I have read about others doing an outdoor bbq (which was my initial plan but it'll be too cold in April around here to do that), and others who are doing afternoon garden parties. I'm sure you'll get lots of ideas on this post.


Also, if you're searching for other posts on this the letters AHR are what you're looking for! (I think it stands for After Honeymoon Reception?)

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Yes, I think its totally common. We are having a full reception just like if I would be getting married in my hometown. We rented a venue and we will have cake, food, beer and wine, dj, dancefloor, and a photographer. I hope this helps! I have elderly ppl who would love to come to Mexico, but can't so I really want to involve them.

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The AHR (also known as the At Home Reception) can be whatever you'd like.

BBQ, afternoon reception, formal dinner reception, cocktail reception, etc etc.

You can serve a full meal or just have hors d'oevres or bbq food.

It can be small to big.


We're having a seated dinner when we return at our local pub for 60-70. No DJ. Just drinks, food, and friends and family!

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We are definitely planning on this. Our family is from Michigan and all can't afford to fly out of state, but i defiantly want a celebration and plan a get-together with them. Within 6 months after my date, i plan on a "reception" back home with the video/photo montage, then the "grand entrance" and everything as if it was my wedding day reception so guests can have fun and feel as if they didn't miss out. Good luck & have fun! :)

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I was thinking about having a cocktail party when we return. Think Marilyn Monroe, red carpet, cocktail party. Perhaps thats too formal though since our wedding isn't going to be too formal.

I really like the idea Adidas Angel had so thats got me thinking in a whole new direction.

Either way my question to everyone is this, when is it not appropriate to wear my wedding dress again at an AHR? I love my dress and I'm really hoping I can find an excuse to wear it more then once.smile159.gif

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Originally Posted by Keira View Post
I was thinking about having a cocktail party when we return. Think Marilyn Monroe, red carpet, cocktail party. Perhaps thats too formal though since our wedding isn't going to be too formal.
I really like the idea Adidas Angel had so thats got me thinking in a whole new direction.
Either way my question to everyone is this, when is it not appropriate to wear my wedding dress again at an AHR? I love my dress and I'm really hoping I can find an excuse to wear it more then once.
If you want to wear it again, then go for it. There are a lot of brides who are wearing it again. I may end up wearing it again, who knows after I get it on they may have to pry it off my body. LOL
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I think the majority of brides are having some sort of AHR, whether it be a totally formal reception, cocktail party or backyard BBQ. We're having none of the above. The vast majority of our friends and family are not able to make our wedding in Jamaica and have inquired about an AHR, but neither FI or I are interested in having one. However we are doing a Buck & Doe in February and friends of ours are having a "Stock the Bar" party for us prior to the wedding. Moral of the story: Do whatever you want and not what others want you to do.

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Great ideas!

We are having a wedding & reception in Aruba and are only inviting our closest friends and family (~70ppl). We would love to have a big reception for ALL of friends that we didn't include on our guest list, but then that would end up being 2 huge receptions for us (2 weddings)-yikes! So we decided on an AHR for just the people that we are inviting to Aruba because like most of you, we know there are a few relatives and close friends that won't be able to make the trip, and we wanted to have something at home for them.

For our AHR, we reserved the patio and deck of our favorite restaurant in our town and will be having hors d'oeuvres & open bar for ~5 hours on a Sat afternoon, with pics and video from our DW.


I do have a couple ?'s for you ladies....


1) Are you including your invite to your AHR with your destination wedding invitations? We were going to do this since everyone is invited to both, but now are thinking about also inviting some friends we didn't invite to the DW.

We are probably going to have separate invites for our other friends. Any thoughts??

...which leads me to my next question...


2)We were initially calling this a "Thank You" reception to thank everyone who came to our DW, plus the guests who couldn't make the trip. Now that we are thinking of inviting a few other friends that weren't invited, any suggestions on what we should formally call it? (besides AHR). I was thinking since we live in Va, just calling it the Virginia Reception on the invite but wanted to see if you all had some creative ideas! We need to call it something formal.


Thanks!! :-)

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