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Melissa's pictures!

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Absolutely perfect!!! I LOVE It!!!!

It's amazing that elated feeling and how it just shows up in your faces!!


Honestly one of my fave pics from my wedding is the one where we look like total nerds walking down the aisle after the ceremony...but we look like the most freakin' ecstatic nerds that ever walked the earth! Its' great!!!

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Yay Melissa! Now THAT's what I'm talking about- thanks for posting so many pics! There are so many cool ones I don't know where to start- so many great ones on the beach, gorgeous romantic closeups, cute family pics, but my favorite is definitely when you are beaming as you walk back down the aisle. That picture is positively dripping with happiness! lol

Congrats to you and your new hubby- you look soooo happy together!

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Originally Posted by mexicomelissa View Post
I just got the CD with that picture on it today...here it is....don't laugh OK? we look like big dorks LOL
That's actually my favourite picture!! When you look back on that picture years and years from now you'll remember how you felt from pictures like that! It's hard not to smile at that picture, and not because you look like dorks, but because it's so genuine!
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aw thanks girls LOL i think i look so dumb when i smile so big i scrunch up my nose like that LOL


okay...i'm going to spoil you all now...here's a little video...better than pics...this is the real deal :P


Part 1:

movie_0001.flv - Video - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Part 2:

movie_00011.flv - Video - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


it's not done yet...there is still a bunch more stuff i want my dad to add (such as my mom fishing for kleenex down the front of my dress LOL), he cut out a lot of really funny parts so i want him to add them back in.

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omg Melissa- how cool! I feel so honored to get to watch your ceremony! Your vows were amazing- I feel like a total dork sitting here with tears in my eyes!

I love how the mariachis burst into celebratory music as you were pronounced and the part in the beginning where you were trying to direct your sister down the aisle was so cute.

Thanks so much for sharing!

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Originally Posted by AQHARIDER View Post
omg Melissa- how cool! I feel so honored to get to watch your ceremony! Your vows were amazing- I feel like a total dork sitting here with tears in my eyes!
I love how the mariachis burst into celebratory music as you were pronounced and the part in the beginning where you were trying to direct your sister down the aisle was so cute.
Thanks so much for sharing!

LOL and she STILL went the wrong way at first, did you catch that?
I even took her down to the site the day before and showed her where to go.
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lol "Ok, I know I've got the ring here somewhere"... did you hear that when he said it? My heart would have dropped lol.


Ya, I love the part where the mariachi band bursts out in song when he pronounces you husband and wife.


It's true Melissa, you've spoiled us! smile29.gif (keep 'em coming lol)

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Melissa--- dang, I've been wanting to respond, but my stupid job kept getting in the way of reading and looking at all the wonderful photos!!!!!


Congratulations! I'm so happy for you both---- the wedding looked beautiful and you both were so happy and just glowing in all the photos!!! All the photos are great---- even the resort photographer did a good job!

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Originally Posted by Nini_Bride View Post
lol "Ok, I know I've got the ring here somewhere"... did you hear that when he said it? My heart would have dropped lol.
That part didn't bother me...it was when John was trying to hold the ring before he put it on my hand...he was shaking so bad I thought he was going to drop it in the sand!
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