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Does Father of the Bride Still Pay?

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FH and I (mainly FH) are paying most of everything ourselves. My mom paid for my dress as my b-day gift and will pay for FH's tux for his b-day gift when we buy that (can't seem to drag him to the store to try one on, but we have some time). His mom has offered to pay for the rehearsal dinner and bar bill. But we're not having a rehearsal dinner; instead, we're going to have a welcome dinner that was included in our wedding quote which also includes a cash bar for the wedding reception. We're still trying to decide if we want to have an open bar and how much that's going to cost and we'll pick up the tab for that if we decide to have it. We want to take as little as possible from our parents.


This has been mentioned in Dear Abby before and if I remember correctly, Dear Abby states that it used to be the tradition that the bride's family paid for the wedding; however, in this day and age, it is customary to pay for your own wedding and if your parents help and/or pay for anything, that should be considered a generous gift.

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After a long road my parents are still paying for everything except the following: attendant gifts, band, cake, FH's suit, part of photographer, welcome dinner, flowers, and some other accessories I bought along the way. All those things are/have been paid for by FH and I. His family contributed $0. See my other posts on this subject.

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My family is very traditional so my parents are paying, but have given me a strict budget to not go over. Anything over comes out of FI and my pocket. My parents would never ask FI's family to chip in because to them, it would look like they couldn't afford it. But whatever. They did the same thing with all my sisters weddings so I also think they want to make it fair for all of us girls. It wouldn't be fair for them to give me a budget, and get a budget from FI's family and have a wedding twice a huge as my sisters. But every family is different.

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Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 View Post
Well here goes:

- As someone else said above "my dad is a douche" so he's not even invited to my wedding lol

- My step-dad is paying for my two week stay and my FI's parents are paying for his two week stay

- my mom paid for half of my dress

- FI and I are footing the rest of the costs (photographer, wedding package cost, etc)
I'm the one with a douche Dad - I didn't invite mine either!
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I am so fortunate. My family is paying for the wedding. FI and I are paying for the open bar, all of our travel and accomodations, and all of his parents travel and hotel accomodations. The fact that we have to pay for his rents is costing us big... Not complaining though- my parents ROCK!!

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Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 View Post
How funny is that?!?! AND we're both for Edmonton too, uncanny! lol Bunch of jerk dads here I guess wink.gif lol jk
Haha, I didn't even notice that. Mine's in Australia though, to be fair (where I am from).
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