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My hair is a disaster!


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Thank you all so much for the advice...especially Ashli and the great picture. I think I'm going to keep my fingers crossed until January and then I'll decide where to go from there. I'll update this thread when progress is made so you can all know for next time a bride is going through this craziness.

Thanks again!

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I also had been highlighting my hair for as long as i could remember, and decided it was too much maintenance, so went to the hairdressers to get it dyed. Now i've done this twice before, the first time to a hairdressers which i didn't really like, and my hair turned out black! i ended up putting home highlights in my hair a few weeks later because i was sure it was the hairdressers fault!


so i went to my normal hairdressers, must have been august-ish this year...and she said it would need to go dark to hide the colour coming through...so i told her to go as light as she could....it was black! not as black as before, but defo black! but its now november and i'd say my hair is dark brown...verging on brown now. I hate my hair dark...i'm really pale skinned so it doesn't work for me! but i'm bareing it until i can go get it coloured a lighter shade!


i'm gonna go against what everyone has said! (lol i know i'm a fool!!) from my personal experiences, your hair should be brown by the time your wedding comes round!


fingers crossed for you girl!

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Originally Posted by aimeeyonke View Post
or maybe give her an honorary title for the month?
Ashli, you rock!
Originally Posted by montegobay09 View Post
Thank you all so much for the advice...especially Ashli and the great picture. I think I'm going to keep my fingers crossed until January and then I'll decide where to go from there. I'll update this thread when progress is made so you can all know for next time a bride is going through this craziness.
Thanks again!
Haha thanks ladies. I'm glad I could help :) And there is no denying that it is a stupid face. I think I was trying to be "pouty" but after several beers, it looks like I had a stroke or something. We'll just say that pic did not make it onto my facebook profile!
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  • 1 month later...

HELLO AGAIN!!! I'm back to update this thread cause I have good news! I LOVE my hair!


So here's how it happened...


I dyed it on October 29th and it was very black. I used Sunlight dish detergent for about 3 weeks. It striped some of the color out but nothing major. I could see the brown coming through slightly but no one else could really tell.


Finally in the first week of December (approx. 5 weeks after dyeing it) it started looking more brown and finally in the 6th week people started noticing that it was brown and not black...although there was still definately some black in there and still very dark.


So this week (6.5 weeks after the dye job) my roots really started bothering me. No one else could really notice them yet but I was getting really sick of the dark hair and I needed to do something about the roots before they got too obvious...sooo...


I made an appointment to get my hair done. I was a little nervous but I talked over everything that I was scared of with my stylist and she assured me that it would work out and she agreed that now was the time to start trying to figure out how to fix it. She decided to put subtle highlights in my hair. She was going to bleach the hightlights and then add a light brown color to them but it turns out that she timed them so perfectly that just the bleach on them turned out perfectly! She had to touch up the roots a little since they were obviously lighter than the rest because there was no black dye on them but other than that it was a pretty easy fix!!


Now my hair is more of a medium brown with highlights in it that look very natural with my hair color. I don't have a picture yet of the new color and my hair is back in a pony tail right now cause I just got back from the gym but tomorrow I will post the before and after pics so you can see my new hair!!


Thank you all again for your advice! I think it was a great idea to just leave it until the dye came out a bit. I am soooo happy with the result and now I have no worries that my hair will be perfect in April for my wedding!

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So here they are!! The before pics were taken on Nov. 11th so about 1.5 weeks after I dyed it. I'm wearing the white shirt. The two girls to my right definately have brown hair and I definately don't!


The after pics were taken today! I love it!!


Before (1.5 weeks with black hair)


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Click the image to open in full size.


After with new highlights!


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Do you like it as much as I do??

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