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Cute Zoo Photos


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Yesterday was free day at the zoo, so of course we went. The weather was FANTASTIC - 75 degrees and partly cloudy! We got some great photos that were really cute, so I just wanted to share them. I'll be taking them down soon, but wanted to give you all a chance to look.


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Originally Posted by MomentsThatMatter View Post
Those are really nice pictures!!!
That action shot was really well captured!
Thanks! That's a post-work multiple exposure. We're shooting on Nikon D3s - it's amazing how fast they shoot on continuous exposure. I swear they are as fast as a machine gun must be! lol
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Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post
They are cute!! Why are you taking them down?? People can always use a good monkey picture to brighten their day!! monkey.gif
Putting them up takes up room on our web server, so I'll take them down sooner rather than later. Otherwise when I need room on the server I'll have to go looking for things I can delete to put new work up.
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