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The text message @ 3am from your EX!!!!!!!!!!!


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So I've decided not to change my number. Oh, and yes I've had the same number since I got a cell phone 12 years ago!! Craziness, I know!!

I guess I've never had a reason to change my phone number.

And this situation is no different!

I handled it! woot.gif


Basically I replied with, "sorry I'm just getting back to you. my fiance and I have been super busy with our wedding planning! :) and anyway lalala.gif to ur text messages! "

I'm pretty sure he got the point.

No response back from him.


As I sit here typing, my FI is with our labradoodle puppy & watching the Texas v Missouri football game (way toooooo LOUD!! rant.gif), and I just can't imagine my life without him!

God continues to guide me in the right direction and for that I am very grateful!

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I had one of these guys too. For years after we broke up whenever he heard I was dating or as soon as I thought I was over him there he was texting & calling wanting me back. I was tempted in my past and sometimes picked up the phone and fell for the lines. But then I met my FI and knew he was the one and for once and for all made it clear not to call or text. I am not sure if he knows I am engaged or not but I am sure after our last talk he would know better then to contact me.

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Originally Posted by Jacilynda View Post
I'm with all the other girls on this, just let him know what's up straight forward. What baffles me, is that you still have the same number after 7 or 8 years!!! That's crazy!
lol, i have still have the same number. i am going on 7 years with it. lol, everything and everyone comes out of the blue during weddings, baby showers, and funerals. there are such pivotal events. you have to almost expect something unusual even extraordinary to happen. the great thing about this situation is that you have the power this time. i just want to remind that karma is b****. you do not want to be nasty in this situation, meet him on his level, or fully explain your feelings about the past (aka get super emotional). you need to keep it short and dignified. there is nothing left for you to hear or explain. you already moved on. you are no longer the person her fell in love with. you also wish him the best in life. if he truly loves, respects, and appreciates you, he will give you a chance to experience happiness and love. as i stated before, he cannot take the high road (aka strong hint), you must change your phone number. your hubby will not appreciate this situation. in addition, you do not want to hurt him with your past. he might interpret this situation in a negative way i.e., you may still love or care for you. if you want to have a happy and successful marriage, you will leave your skeletons in the closet and turn the lock....forever.

fyi, you ex's motives are selfish, unrealistic, disrespectful. you don't need to deal with anyone living in crazy fantasy world full time.
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Originally Posted by Sloan View Post
Ive never had the 3am drunk phone call or text message, but when I broke up with a boyfriend many years ago he tried to tell me that "no one will ever love you, as much as I love you."

I told him to f**k himself, and drove away. lmao.
Are we related lmao gun.gif
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