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Anti Anxiety Meds?


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I know a few collegues that have taken low-dose Metoprolol (12.5mg) to help alleviate anxiety. One took it so she could walk down the aisle without becoming a basketcase and another would take it before big conference presentations. It's a beta-blocker and normally used for heart rate regulation and hypertension. Basically blocks your body's "fight or flight" response. Could be an option if you aren't interested in taking benzo's like Xanax or Ativan, Clonazepam....etc. Of course every drug has a risk/benefit you have to weigh. Talk to your GP about some short-term anxiety fixes... I hear yoga works well too or drinking... shots.gif

Probably the stress of the wedding... should subside afterwards? Good luck!

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i def want something for my day cause i know i'm going to be a mess. i'm going to try it out before hand just to see how i feel on it though. i agree don't want to be the drugged up one at your own wedding. i was at starbucks looking through a stack of wedding books and mags and kept breathing heavey to the point my chest hurt and i had to leave. all this planning is overwhelming , but you will make it through. when its too hot in the kitchen get out! step away for a breather when you can!!!!!

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thanks for the great suggestions and person stories. i talked to FI about it, and he's supportive of whatever I decide, but he seems to think 1 good margarita should do the trick for me. tequila and me... we're best buds! so we'll see

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One thing I can suggest for panic attacks is a Beta-Blocker. They are actually prescribed for people with high blood pressure but they are amazing for panic attacks. They shut off that crazy adrenalin, jump outta your skin feeling instantly. Plus there's no out of it feeling from them.


Something to ask your doctor about it you do decide to seek out a prescription for something :)

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I had a baby anxiety attack last sunday and have been feeling more of them coming on lately. I have Xanax (for flying) and I havent yet taken them for these attacks just yet. I hate that I feel like Im going nuts but if it comes down to it.. I'll ask my doc to perscribe me more.

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Hey Tara -- Just wanted to add two things:


1. There are a lot of different types of anti-anxiety medications. Some are fast acting but have a short half-life which means they don't last as long, while others don't give you that instant "hit" of relaxation but last 8-12 hours. Klonopin (aka, clonazepam) is one that's longer acting/slow start whereas Xanax is fast acting/doesn't last as long. If you think you'll be relaxed once the ceremony is over, then maybe you'll just want the shorter acting one just to get you through the morning?


2. Everybody I know has had a different reaction to these medications so I would not suggest that you try it for the first time the day of or before your wedding. Try it ahead of time to see what happens. Sometimes even the lowest does of something like Ativan (0.5mg) is enough to knock a person out for a few hours. I know someone who splits their 0.5 mg pill into fourths because they're so sensitive to the effects of the medication. Do a trial run and then try to go about regular activities -- see how much it impacts your energy level so that you know in advance.

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I had a full blown panic attack about 6 or so years ago and went to the doctor who prescribed zoloft and ativan (short term until zoloft kicked in). They were a god-send for me. At that time in my life, I was under so much stress that my body just decided it was going to freak out and the more I tried to relax and gain control the worse the anxiety became!


For me, it was a situational stressor, and I needed something to help clear my head and even me out for that time. Zoloft was ok for the anxiety, but it had some sexual side effects (zero desire), so I didn't want to be on it long term. Ativan can be habit forming if you are on it for a longer period of time.


I have a few tablets, but only have it handy when I fly.

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during my wedding process i did have a stressful moment, possibly a panic attack. basically, i bawled in front my boss for about 5 minutes. he asked a few question about a report that i was running and i broke down. i had so many family issues during the planning process. i never really processed my feeling. once, i cried and talked about everything, i felt so much better about the situation. i did cry one more time after the wedding was over. it was more like a cleansing. i don't know about anxiety medications at that time. i also wouldn't have wanted to take any too. i am so sensitive to various medications. lol, i can barely take day cold medications, they make me very sleepy. i probably would have been a zombie on my wedding day.

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Originally Posted by Pazoop View Post
Hey Tara -- Just wanted to add two things:

1. There are a lot of different types of anti-anxiety medications. Some are fast acting but have a short half-life which means they don't last as long, while others don't give you that instant "hit" of relaxation but last 8-12 hours. Klonopin (aka, clonazepam) is one that's longer acting/slow start whereas Xanax is fast acting/doesn't last as long. If you think you'll be relaxed once the ceremony is over, then maybe you'll just want the shorter acting one just to get you through the morning?

2. Everybody I know has had a different reaction to these medications so I would not suggest that you try it for the first time the day of or before your wedding. Try it ahead of time to see what happens. Sometimes even the lowest does of something like Ativan (0.5mg) is enough to knock a person out for a few hours. I know someone who splits their 0.5 mg pill into fourths because they're so sensitive to the effects of the medication. Do a trial run and then try to go about regular activities -- see how much it impacts your energy level so that you know in advance.
Great points, Pazoop!
Reading this thread kind of panicked me smile105.gif because I immediately thought of longer term anxiety meds, rather than short-term as needed ones. Now that I think back, I have taken a short-term one, for help sleeping, but it was so strong that I cut it into 1/4ths. When I told the doctor, she said that she usually took 2 at a time. smile36.gif

I'm on Effexor for anxiety/depression. It's a pretty serious, strong drug, but also has been very effective for the past few years. I've taken a few different types to get to this point of being under control.
But they do have side-effects and they are not day of medications.

It sounds like your best bet is to go to talk to your doctor about what you're experiencing and also to think of exercises and meditations you can do when something like this comes on, because that may be all you need to get through this. If you decide to get a prescription for as-needed meds, definitely test them out!

Good luck! cheer2.gif
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