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We lost another baby kitty today :( I'm devastated


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Thank you for all of your thoughts. The more I read about FIP it sounds like that. Loki has a really bad cold right now and so he might be the carrier. It makes sense. Though our vet told us it was from feline herpes. Sadly, this morning we weren't thinking and we buried him right away. We both had to leave for work and so we just did it. I really don't want to unbury him. I think we're both done trying to have 2 kitties. I think Loki is meant to be an only child at the moment. I'm going to go google the FIV right now but the first one sounds pretty spot on. Which is sad to know that Loki gave it to his brother. I just hope he doesn't get it himself. But I just wanted to share some of the last pics of Kai.

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The last one is the last I took of him. This was Monday when he was sick. He was laying in the sun to get warm. He was just so tiny. sad.gif

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I'm so sorry Calia... how devastating to lose not one, but two beloved kitties sad.gif At least these kitties were given a wonderful life while they lived with you.


I worked for a vet for 10 years- I know others have said it, but I just want to reiterate: I'd definitely look into testing for FIV, FIP, & FELV for your other kitty. All can be tested at most veterinarians' in-house lab, and if they don't have the tests it's a quick send-out.


If the problem isn't coming from your kitty at home (which I'm kinda doubting since the kitties died young) you might consider having any new cats tested right away. If you're getting the kitties from the same place, or if you live in an area that's highly concentrated with these diseases (all highly contagious) you might save yourself some heartache by finding out right away rather than later sad.gif


Again, I'm so sorry...

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Oh Calia, I wanted to check in this morning and see if you had a chance to comment back yet... FIP is REALLY hard to determine.. but once you have a little one with the symptoms you know that it's it. For you I am glad that this went quick for you. Erin was like this for a month before she finally passed from it and only a day before the vet had a definate yes with the pulling of fluid from her tummy. Colds are what they always think it is at first maybe your other one is a carrier of the virus.


Again I am sooo sorry about your babies and I know what a tough time it is for you... They are up in kitty heaven now. - Noah says this to everyone about where his little girl is.

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Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
I'm so sorry Calia... how devastating to lose not one, but two beloved kitties sad.gif At least these kitties were given a wonderful life while they lived with you.

I worked for a vet for 10 years- I know others have said it, but I just want to reiterate: I'd definitely look into testing for FIV, FIP, & FELV for your other kitty. All can be tested at most veterinarians' in-house lab, and if they don't have the tests it's a quick send-out.

If the problem isn't coming from your kitty at home (which I'm kinda doubting since the kitties died young) you might consider having any new cats tested right away. If you're getting the kitties from the same place, or if you live in an area that's highly concentrated with these diseases (all highly contagious) you might save yourself some heartache by finding out right away rather than later sad.gif

Again, I'm so sorry...
We are trying to get Loki in ASAP. Not only for that but he needs to be neutered too.
Does FIP have a test on the one website I looked it said no. I looked at FIV and I don't think they have that. But FIP sounds exactly like it. I definitely want to test for it if there is one. I haven't heard of FELV so I'll be googling that one too. Thanks!

ETA: Ok FELV ...Loki was tested for that a while back and it came back negative so they said theres no way our first kitty had it b/c if one has it they usually both have it. So it's not that one either. I'm pretty sure it's the FIP. sad.gif Which I think would be better and safer to just not get any more kittens. It's sad b/c he gets so lonely but I can't handle another death like that.
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Well, give it time.... we now have a new girl for Adrienne its not her sister (Erin) but she loves her the same now... We waited a well over a year before Izzy (Izabell) and thought we should just give it a try... knowing that Adrienne was feeling lost. Adrienne is now almost 3 and Izzy is 8 motnhs. You can get another little one, just have to be careful thats all.. I hate to say it but I will never get a baby kitten from a shelter again because of my expierence and they are the cause along with catteries with too many little ones and not enough litter boxes and such they all use it, so when one gets it they all carry it even if they never show signs of being sick. Babies and older cats are common with losing the battle on this.


They do have tests for FIP because Adrienne was checked and yes she is a carrier but she "outgrew" it like on most of the sites you will see this termed used. Most tests will never be perfect proof either.. as they are still trying to understand the virus. We have our local vet, emergency 24 vet, and Tufts Veterinary Medical School. Tufts did the autopsy(erin) and all of Adriennes bloodwork and random tests.


Be strong Calia!

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Originally Posted by CaliaA07 View Post
We are trying to get Loki in ASAP. Not only for that but he needs to be neutered too.
Does FIP have a test on the one website I looked it said no. I looked at FIV and I don't think they have that. But FIP sounds exactly like it. I definitely want to test for it if there is one. I haven't heard of FELV so I'll be googling that one too. Thanks!

ETA: Ok FELV ...Loki was tested for that a while back and it came back negative so they said theres no way our first kitty had it b/c if one has it they usually both have it. So it's not that one either. I'm pretty sure it's the FIP. sad.gif Which I think would be better and safer to just not get any more kittens. It's sad b/c he gets so lonely but I can't handle another death like that.
There are serum FIP tests, although they're not always the most reliable. You have to take the results coupled with other clinical symptoms to give a definitive diagnosis. There are a lot of false negative and positive results. Some cats are also just "carriers" and can have the disease but be asymptomatic.

Remind me- where did you get the kitties that have passed away. Did they come from the same place?
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