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I just received my USI Floral orchids...and I am kinda disappointed (pics)!

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I ordered 2 stems of natural touch green cybidium orchids from USI FLoral in order to DIY my own bouquets. I also ordered 1 stem of natural touch beauty phalaenopsis orchids. I planned on ordering some white roses and pink orchids from AA as well.


Well...I received my USI Floral order today and I am somewhat disappointed. I am not sure if I had too high of expectations for a natural touch flower or what. The green cybidiums are questionable, they seem rather large and the green isn't as bright and vibrant as I thought they would be. The phal. orchids are going back...they are unnaturally huge (at least from any real ones I have ever seen) and they are all bent and mishapen. Below are pics of the green ones...I can send them back too and just be out shipping, but I am afraid that the AA ones won't hold up to my expectations either and I will be stuck with a lot more due to her min. order requirements and no returns. WHat do you girls think? Should I just keep them? (sorry for the crappy somewhat blurry pics)


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I think the photos look great. You can see the joints in the photo of the entire stem, but I'm assuming you plan on taking them off the stem anyways... I know what you mean about the green. Were you looking for something brighter? More like a lime green? They look a little yellowish.

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Originally Posted by Bianca View Post
I think the photos look great. You can see the joints in the photo of the entire stem, but I'm assuming you plan on taking them off the stem anyways... I know what you mean about the green. Were you looking for something brighter? More like a lime green? They look a little yellowish.
Yes, I was looking for something a little brighter and more lime green; however, now that I search through pics of real ones, they seem to vary in shades of green (maybe it's the photographer?) I just need to accept the fact that these are fake and that's why they don't look exactly like the real ones!

Here are a couple pics of real ones...
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Originally Posted by Leia78 View Post
That pic you posted of the bouquet looks like it's been post processed by the photog.

I'm sorry you're not happy w/ them. However, yours do look a little lighter than mine. Here's a pic of my USI flowers:
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And here's AA:
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Leia- I thought they looked lighter than yours too. She must of changed her supplier from the time you ordered. The more I look at them the more I think I am ok with them. I am even starting to like the phal. orchids, so I may keep both.

Did you happen to get your AA bouquets in? I am still curious how many orchids it took to make them. Thanks!
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