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Has anyone been to Morocco??


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I searched this forum and didn't find anything. I am pretty sure that we are going on our honeymoon there because I wanted to go somewhere I haven't been and somewhere that has good weather in August. I can't find much info. about it though.

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i have. i was there in september of '02 during ramadan and then twice more that same october. the weather was gorgeous. the sad thing though is that i only have a small handful of pictures i can share. i went before i had a digital camera. feel free to ask questions.

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Yes - marrakech last year and it was fabulous!!! That said, it was a reward trip and we travelled in style. I would highly recommend le sultana hotel & spa. It may be a scary trip for someone who has never travelled. My dad lives in Asia and it was similar to that experience. PM me if you have specific questions.

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Originally Posted by dolfinluck View Post
I know two ppl that went to Tanger in Morocco. One was in her early twenties and thought it was scary the other was in her late thirties and loved it.
tangier is totally seedy, but it's a great jumping point to get into europe
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I traveled to Morocco two years ago during the springtime and loved it! I flew into Marrakesh in central Morocco. It was a bit of culture shock at first but amazing to visit the souks and markets, especially Djemaa el Fna, and see the beautiful architecture. I'd recommend staying at a riad with an interior courtyard/garden. Communication was generally easy, although it helps to know a little bit of French in Marrakesh. Also, it's probably good to respect local culture and not wear clothing that's too revealing.


I agree that Tangier tends to be a bit more generic since it's a port city and so close to Europe. It was awesome to take the ferry into Sevilla, Spain though!


The hardest part for me was probably the food. I loved Moroccan cuisine going into the trip, but it was tough eating it for all meals every day for almost 2 weeks.


Morocco is a beautiful and unique country, and the people are friendly (barring super-touristy areas). You'll have a wonderful time!


Happy honeymoon-ing!

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I've always, always wanted to go to Marrakech!!! Everyone I know says it is about the most amazing place they've ever been to. But they also say to avoid Tangier if you can.


I'm so jealous!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

HI there ! I personnally think Morocco is the nicest of the North African countries. Marrakech is definitely worth it. I was less happy about the sea-side destinations (Agadir for instance). If you're not used to travelling be prepared for a cultural shock - people can be very insisting with tourists and you will receive a lot of attention from men. Not a good place to hang out by yourself - prefer to always stay with your man !


You might find that August is a bit hot (this is the hottest month there).

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