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Hangover Relief pills

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So I've seen all these little adds for pills to take before, while, after drinking to prevent hang overs. Has anyone actually used these or know of one that actually works? I was thinking of getting some for my OOT bags since we have a few people who like to indulge (including myself, after the wedding!)


Any feedback would be great!

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You could do like the old farmers did back in the day... they would eat straight Lard to coat their stomachs. It helps so that the alcohol doesn't get in the blood stream as fast.


Gross huh?!. I honestly don't know what to take but I have no tolerance and my bach party is next weekend. Help ladies!

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I've tried the "pills". The one's I bought are called Chaser pills. They really work!! I always have a bottle in my medicine cabinet. You can find them im Walgreens or CVS drug stores by the Tylenol or Advil usually. You can take them while your drinking or after.

I usually take 1 before I go to bed and I wake up great. Especially after drinking Grey Goose and Red bull!!!! (That stuff can sneek up on you!) shots.gif

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Originally Posted by Cattie View Post
So I've seen all these little adds for pills to take before, while, after drinking to prevent hang overs. Has anyone actually used these or know of one that actually works? I was thinking of getting some for my OOT bags since we have a few people who like to indulge (including myself, after the wedding!)

Any feedback would be great!
I am including Hangover Helper in my OOT bags. The spanish name is La Rapidita. These are very good for hangovers. I am originally from Dominican Republic and that is what everyone takes to prevent hangovers.
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