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Do any of my guests know what RSVP Means (Venting)

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Ok - we sent out 75 invitations in early August, with an RSVP date of September 1. It is not mid-September, and we only have half of them back. Are other people experiencing this? WTF?? How hard is it to make a check mark beside "I'm in", or "REGRETS" and pop it in the mail. I took an informal poll of my friends, to find out why they haven't send it back, and it ranged from "I thought my wife did it", "You knew we are coming", "you already know we aren't coming", or...this is the best one..."I liked your boarding pass invite so much, i didn't want to tear off the post-card". It would be different if I thought that all the people that didn't RSVP are no's - but I've run into a few of them recently, and they said they were still deciding to come. VERY FRUSTRATING!!! I've put a lot of work into the OOT bags...based on what I knew was my count - if that changes....then some of those late rsvp'ers might not be getting koozies, pashmina's and sudoku books..and frankly it serves them right!!!!


Are you experiencing this too?

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LOL! Oh man, I think every single one of us has experienced this...and I totally remember calling everyone & getting similar answers to what you go. And it's hilarious too that other married people do this to you...HELLO!!!


Ugh, yep, it's normal & it sucks. And F em if they don't respond in time to get all the goodies you have planned for your good guests.

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Originally Posted by Tracy View Post
RIGHT ON....it's really been aggravating for us!!! Yari, you are less than a month away...have you gotten most of yours back?
Yes, we have...but I still get calls of can I invite my neighbors to your wedding. WTF? I didn't get all the RSVP's back, but I have a good idea on who is coming. I am not going to stress about it, so not worth it.
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We had this same problem. We sent out our invites in June and gave people until August 15 to make a decision. We received most of our replies the week of the deadline and the week after. After that we had to start calling and emailing people. Most were nos, but we did have a few yes's and those people have now booked. I overbought OOT fillers since I just started buying things as I found stuff, but I didn't have enough bags. One of the girls on here will hopefully have some extras (she got the same bags as me) to sell to me, otherwise we will just put their stuff in gift bags. I am not going to worry about if people can't drop a card in the mail especially when the stamp is on there! I just don't get it.

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We sent out around 20 invitations and have received 3 RSVPs. THREE. My parents, his parents, and his grandmother.


We sent them out in June and our deadline is October 1.


My worry - and don't get me wrong, they're idiots for not RSVP'ing and won't get the OOT stuff, etc. - is that we're supposed to be fully paid by November 12 for our wedding at the resort. Our package works for up to 25 people, so that'll be fine unless more decide to come. I guess I'm worried about how many people may decide to come and stay somewhere else and blow our budget to hell with extra meals.



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Im soooo glad Im not the only one! We sent 65 invites the first week of August with a deadline of September 15th and I have yet to hear back from 2/3 of our guests. Our booking deadline isnt until the end of October, but still people WTF? I put a stamp on the RSVP for a reason... Were getting a lot of people saying they may try to book last minute ... grrrrrr.... I got a good group rate for a reason too!! Im only doing OOT bags for those who had enough sense to reply by the date sent.

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