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Long night with my skunky dog!


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It is a good thing my dog is so cute! Otherwise my FI and I might have threw him out on the street last night to find a new home! (well ok we wouldn't ever do that! but the thought did cross our minds last night!)


So my dog Milo(our big great dane/lab mix) gets up at 3 in the morning last night needing to go outside to the bathroom. Fine, no big deal. well it had been raining and earlier in the week he had surgery on his foot so he is in a cast (that foot thing is a whole other story and he fine and recovering!). So because we can't get the cast wet, I wrap a plastic bag around his paw and send him out. Two seconds later he bolts across our yard (he shouldn't even be running because of his foot surgery). So I start yelling at him and then yell for my FI to come help me get him back inside. Finally Milo comes back and he smells like a SKUNK! Yep that is right he chased a skunk down at 3 in the morning with a bum foot in the rain girl_werewolf.gif


We were not happy to say the least! well this is the second time he has tried to chase this skunk down so we knew what to do. So i got our skunk mixture removal stuff ready and we SPONGED bathed him down because we couldn't get his foot totally wet. so after about an hour and a half of bathing him and cleaning up the mess we finally went back to bed at about 4:30.


This morning our house has a nice skunk odor to it and so does the dog!


AAAAAAGGGGGHHHH! girl_werewolf.gif


Sorry I just had to vent about that little adventure wink.gif

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is this the combo you use?


If not, this works great! My FI stepped on a skunk last year, yes stepped on (he was walking dow1 quart 3 percent hydrogen peroxide

For spray in the eyes, flush with water as soon as possible.

n outside stairs, must have scared the skunk, and well they both met at the end the stairs and he stepped on it and the skunk sprayed!) and we used this and it took care of the smell!


1/4 cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)

1 teaspoon liquid soap or dish detergent

Mix these together and bathe ("shampoo" in or rub down) the spray victim thoroughly.

Be sure to use this mixture immediately after it is created, as it is unstable.

Rinse with tap water afterward, and repeat if necessary.

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here it is again cause when i was copying and pasting it got messed up!



1 quart 3 percent hydrogen peroxide

1/4 cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)

1 teaspoon liquid soap or dish detergent

Mix these together and bathe ("shampoo" in or rub down) the spray victim thoroughly.

Be sure to use this mixture immediately after it is created, as it is unstable.

Rinse with tap water afterward, and repeat if necessary.

For spray in the eyes, flush with water as soon as possible

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Originally Posted by happygilmore View Post
is this the combo you use?

If not, this works great! My FI stepped on a skunk last year, yes stepped on (he was walking dow1 quart 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
For spray in the eyes, flush with water as soon as possible.
n outside stairs, must have scared the skunk, and well they both met at the end the stairs and he stepped on it and the skunk sprayed!) and we used this and it took care of the smell!

1/4 cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
1 teaspoon liquid soap or dish detergent
Mix these together and bathe ("shampoo" in or rub down) the spray victim thoroughly.
Be sure to use this mixture immediately after it is created, as it is unstable.
Rinse with tap water afterward, and repeat if necessary.
yep that is the combo! peroxide, dish soap and baking soda...worked pretty well on the dog, he just has a slight smell to him today. but the house still does not smell very good because we made the mistake of letting him back in BEFORE we realized he was skunky!
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Originally Posted by Andi View Post
yep that is the combo! peroxide, dish soap and baking soda...worked pretty well on the dog, he just has a slight smell to him today. but the house still does not smell very good because we made the mistake of letting him back in BEFORE we realized he was skunky!
You may want to put pinesol or some other strong smelling cleaner in small bowls and place them around the house...it helps eliminate odor in the air...
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