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Dollar Dance? Heard of it?

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Yup, all the wedding I have gone to have the Dollar Dance. My mom asked if we are going to do this but there is no way I can ask my guests to pay to come a thousand miles to see my get married and then pay to have a dance with me.


If I was having the wedding at home, I would probably end up doing it though, my whole family would expect it.


We pin the money on the bride and groom.

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Originally Posted by TA Maureen View Post
I have never been to a wedding that had this tradition. However, I heard about it on other wedding boards where the brides were getting quite nasty about whether this was appropriate or tacky, etc. I think it depends on where you come from and the crowd.
yeah if you ask on the knot P&E board you will get attacked. they are mean over there! they hate DWs, trashing the dress & just about anything else.
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Originally Posted by adias.angel View Post
Really? Even a TTD? Closed minded old biddies. Glad we have this forum and everyone is so nice. :)
yeah they say "it's so wasteful, you could have donated the dress."

it can still be dontated after it's worn in the ocean
SO many parts of a wedding are wasteful. you could skip a wedding all together & donate the money.
What's wasteful about amazing pictures? Pictures are the material possession I value more than any other.

OK, i know preaching to the choir, but I get really annoyed by those P&E girls. close minded old biddies is right :)
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I don't think it's tacky....down here it's expected. Just a matter of the culture, I guess. At my first wedding the DJ just announced it was our Dollar Dance and we were like "okay." Since we have never doscussed having one. Here the best man gets money from the women that wana dance with the groom and the maid of honor gets money from the guys that wanna dance with the bride.



Jay and I didn't do this though....seems silly at a DW since everyone paid so much to go to your wedding.

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I never heard about this until I was here on the forum. There was mention of this not to long ago and that is when I found out about these. Really I think that it all depends on what traditions, your family and the area that you live in or come from are used too. We don't do the dollar dance, but most weddings I have ever been to the bride gets kidnapped and the guest are asked to donate $$ for the randsom to get her back. The $ is usually collected by the BM in a cowboy boot. As for dances with the bride and groom, the bride gets the song, 'I knew the bride when she used to rock n roll' and the groom gets 'I'm to sexy' and usually gets slightly stripped down by all the women dancing around him.

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