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Data Recovery Services...


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So my hard drive decided to randomly die one day. I have no back up of anything on it. All my wedding related stuff, photos of my son's first three years of life, etc all lost... I'm not crying over it, but it would be nice to get some of it back. Chris is a computer junkie. He knows a lot of stuff so hes tried a couple things and there is one more thing he wants to try to get the stuff off of it. Nothing has worked so far. For the heck of it I decided to call the manufacture and find out what their recovery services cost. I would pay a couple hundred for them to recover my stuff, but what they told me literally made me stop breathing.


$1700 for "Economy Service" (4-6 week turn around time)


I did not know what to say. I know they need to open up the hard drive in a sterile room and stuff but damn! Thats a lot of money!

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I am an IT technician and if the drive is not "recognizable" you may have bad sectors or blocks and the only way to recover the data would be to open up the drive, etc. That is a very expensive project. We had to have one recovered like that at work and it cost us $2400.00. If you have another computer you may be able to add the drive as a slave and copy the data. There are also some programs that you can use to boot up the computer with and retrieve the data. I know it is a heartbreaking thing to lose pictures of your children. It happened to me once. If you need any other suggestions or information just pm me.

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Originally Posted by syl1115 View Post
I am an IT technician and if the drive is not "recognizable" you may have bad sectors or blocks and the only way to recover the data would be to open up the drive, etc. That is a very expensive project. We had to have one recovered like that at work and it cost us $2400.00. If you have another computer you may be able to add the drive as a slave and copy the data. There are also some programs that you can use to boot up the computer with and retrieve the data. I know it is a heartbreaking thing to lose pictures of your children. It happened to me once. If you need any other suggestions or information just pm me.
Chris hooked it up as a slave already. It wouldnt recognize it and it was it was making a clicking noise which he said the "heads were hitting" or something along those lines. Hes going to try putting it into an enclosure and after that its the funeral. Everyone else has photos of my son, so its not like everything is lost, just the ones I took. The $1700 was to open up the drive in a clean room etc... so maybe it isnt that bad compared to $2400 lol... still more than I'm willing to spend tho. I think my mom was more upset about all this than I was.
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