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I worked on these for about 2-3 weeks and we finally got them out on Friday morning.

I'm so happy with how they turned out and I couldn't have done it without the help from this forum :-)

I have to thank Becks for her Templates and Alyssa for giving me the info on the Colored Translucent envelopes (which I LOVE)

I also got my design ideas from a bunch of different girls and I'm sorry that i don't know who everyone was....i should have wrote it down!

Anyway...here they are......:-)


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Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 View Post
I worked on these for about 2-3 weeks and we finally got them out on Friday morning.
I'm so happy with how they turned out and I couldn't have done it without the help from this forum :-)
I have to thank Becks for her Templates and Alyssa for giving me the info on the Colored Translucent envelopes (which I LOVE)
I also got my design ideas from a bunch of different girls and I'm sorry that i don't know who everyone was....i should have wrote it down!
Anyway...here they are......:-)

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I am SOOOO sealing these!!! They turned out amazing. Was it very time consuming to create these? and where did you get the envelopes?
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Originally Posted by FutureMrsRobinson View Post
I am SOOOO sealing these!!! They turned out amazing. Was it very time consuming to create these? and where did you get the envelopes?
Thank You!!
Actually...It was a little time consuming at first, only because I'm not that good at Power Point...but once I got the hang of it, It was REALLY funn. :-)
Make sure you go to Becks STD thread and get the Templates because that made everything 100% easier....
I also don't have a printer at the moment so I had the Copy service that does alot of work for my company do it and I got a GREAT price.
The envelopes are AWESOME!! I will try to PM you with the link either later tonight or tomorrow morning. They have all different colors and sizes and for 100 it was about $26 (with shipping including).
You can steal anything you want! I copied alot from other girls's fabulous passes :-)
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These are so fun and look amazing! You did such a great job on these, your guests are going to be so impressed especially when they find out you made them youself ~ they're so professional looking! And yay, a fellow June bride. You're just 2 days ahead of me friday.gif

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Originally Posted by msam007562 View Post
These are so fun and look amazing! You did such a great job on these, your guests are going to be so impressed especially when they find out you made them youself ~ they're so professional looking! And yay, a fellow June bride. You're just 2 days ahead of me friday.gif
Thank you!! I loved doing them, and I loved the finish product :-) I appreciate the compliments from everyone, but especially from all the Girls on here. You guys really know what goes into doing this stuff, so your compliments and approvals mean alot :-)blush2.gif
Everyone has recieved them and they are really impressed!! I can't wait to do my invites now! :-)
I am a Newbie June Bride, But YAY! I am glad there are so many June brides...I'd love to compare notes with everyone as it gets closer to make sure we're all on the right track! :-)

Thanks again everyone!
Glad you liked them :-)
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