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Getting really upset and frustrated....


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So im sure everyone has gone through this with planning but im just getting so frustrated because my FI want to pay everything for the wedding with cash and not go into debt and so we were planning to have our wedding in Jan 2010 but now im having to go through major surgery in two weeks and cant work for four months so he said we are going to have to change our wedding to Jan 2011 and i started crying when he said that :o( I am so excited and know which resort we are going to to get married and have already started looking at dresses and now this is such a far away date that we cant book anything for atleast a year and a half! I am just so frustrated because this means us getting a house is pushed back and i cant wait to get one and get out of our apartment....and now that its so far away my FI doesnt get excited about the wedding anymore because so much could change with where it will be and the date between now and then... i just wish i didnt have to wait so long to get married :o(....sorry i just really needed that vent. are there any ladies here that have gone through this?? how do you go for two years or so without being able to plan??

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Awww Shelly I'm sorry that you have to push back your wedding. I can understand why your fi would not want to put any of the wedding on a credit card. I know i've gotten myself into some debt using my cards way too much even when i had full intentions to pay them off right away. But i can completely understand why you would be really upset to move back your wedding. Maybe it will be a good thing. It would give you plenty of time to recover from your surgery, you'll have a ton of planning time so you can come up with great ideas, and plenty of time to save $ for the wedding and house of your dreams. I know waiting sucks but i'm sure in the end it will be worth the wait.

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aw so sorry :o( that is a sin. i would hate to push mine back too. i was going to suggest a 0% cc like the others said but u just said thats not possible. hm theres gotta be a way to help get and save extra $.


would you consider cutting back on maybe some things you had planned on doing to make it cheaper and more affrodable for you two right now. instead of pushing it back, just re-plan it, making it work around a smaller budget.. kwim? at least you will still get married and can continue having fun with planing.

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yaa im sure we could plan a buck and doe to raise some money! thats a great idea thanks Tara i totally forgot about it lol!


And ya Danielle thats what all my friends have said to me..that im sure when it comes to the wedding it will be amazing no matter when it is and i just have to be really patient...im trying so hard to be patient lol..i just see all the pictures on here of peoples amazing weddings and its making it harder to wait haha...oh well

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Originally Posted by tvt View Post
I can't speak for everyone on here, but I know we are doing a lot of stuff DIY or just skipping it in general to watch our budget.

I can't remember who it was, that planned their whole wedding for 5k....
Morgan had the 5k budget. There are plenty of areas to save. You could possibly find a photog who is just starting their DW business. I know several of us previous brides did this and saved substantially on photo costs.
Bridesmaids dresses can be used in place of bridal gowns for big savings.
Again, DIY can be helpful. Keep an eye on the buy, sell, trade, freebie section of the forum. You can find items in next to new or new condition for less than half the original cost. Also use ebay for cost savings. Check the budget threads, there are some other great ideas.
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