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Who's ready for...(drum roll).. THE HILLS!


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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Jac can you watch it online at work?
I used to be able to, but they blocked that kinda stuff so I cant anymroe :o(

So I finally watched it! Here are my thoughts:
1- YES, it was WAY to short of a show, I couldn't believe it was over when it was. I wish it was an hour long.
2- Lo is being a beeotch and isn't even trying. What the was the big deal about hanging out at the party whether she knew Audrina's friends or not? It's just rude. I used to love Lo and her funny comments and thought she was cute...not so sure now.
3- LC is def trying and I love her, as always.
4- Whitney is just a doll.
5- Spidy- Both of them are morons. The way he treated her sister when she came to town was ignorant and Heidi is an idiot for staying w/ him after that baby temper tantrum he pulled. Heidi's over processed bleached ass hair is getting to her brain I think. Spencer is such an ahole.
6- Audrina- Love her. I'm so glad she stuck up for herself when her and Lo talked, normally she's is more quite and lets people walk all over her. I also think she should consider moving out so her and LC's relationship doesn't get ruined by Lo. It sux they can't get brush it off and socialize but it dont seem like that will ever happen so on to the next plan I think..
7- Doug is def hot, and I'm curious to see what happens on the next episode w/ him and Stephanie- who is ugly and all I can see is Spencer when I look at her face.
8- I missed Brody, he is so hot.
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I'm so glad you finally watched it. I ended up rewatching it when i got home from work yesterday since fi missed it the night before i watched with him. At first i kinda thought Aurdrina was a little mean to Lo when Lo went to talk to her. But rewatching it, Lo even seemed a little rude then and it seems like maybe Audrina has just had it so can't blame her for being that way. Lo should of stayed at the party, she is friends with Frankie and LC didn't know Audrina's friends either. I do feel bad for LC though, she's really trying to get them to be friends. I think it's a lost cause.


Stephanie didn't look so good in the previews for next week.

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I can't help it, I still love Lo. I think they're just editing it weird and there could be a lot of stuff that we don't see. She was the funniest on Laguna Beach and even last season she was hilarious too...I hope the rest of this season will show her in a better light :)


The only other comment I want to add is that I think every single thing about Heidi and Spencer is fake, and that they completely invent their own storylines in order to "be interesting" and stay on the show. I read online yesterday that Lauren wants this to be the last season probably, but that Speidi want it to go like 10 more seasons...they're so pathetic! We all know they don't fight that often...they're always seen in photographs around town all kissy kissy and talking about getting married on tv. They're such losers. I think if we saw their "real life" we'd be bored to tears so they make everything up.


Sorry but I just can't stand them!

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Doesn't it even seem like when Heidi and Spencer are on they are talking funny? Like they've rehearsed what they are saying. I feel like the whole vibe changes when they are on. It just doesn't even sound like natural conversation when they are talking. I know its a tv show, but they are definitely putting on a show when its their time. Haha, I can't stand them (can't you tell) lol

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Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
I've always felt that Heidi and Spencer were rehersed. The are just very bad actors. I know that they re-shoot scenes that production has missed, so maybe that's where the bad acting comes in with those two.
Could you imagine that- "crap, we had a great fight and the cameras weren't here. Let's call them and we will just re-act it." LOL I NEVER want to relive our fights so I can't even imagine having a redo to get it on tape. Then again, I'm not a reality "star."
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