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Welcome Dinner on a budget!

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Originally Posted by stelladiver View Post
Mi Casa is definitely a fun place. But for whatever reason, they said I needed to do a mandatory open bar. It may be because of the size of my group (100+), which they said would require them to close off a large section of their restaurant (although on the Saturday night we were there, that area was not being used anyway).
Weird. We had 56 people but 100+ is another matter I guess. We had parts blocked off for us though. Maybe it's a new rule bc it's getting more popular as a group dinner spot?
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Originally Posted by LALA View Post
We had our welcome dinner at Mi Casa. It was around $50 a head for food. We did drinks by consumption which cut our costs. It was an awesome place. Everyone had SO much fun. I'll try to find some pics.
This might sound like a stupid question but, what exactly does that mean, "drinks by consumption"? Does that mean you are only paying for what your guests actually drink? If so, how do you keep track of that??
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There are no stupid questions! Most of us at new at this wedding planning thing. Drinks by consumption is paying for the number of drinks actually ordered by your party. There's really no way to keep track of it, except based on the honor system by the restaurant. There are some posts on the forum about restaurants lying and inflating the bill, which is always a risk. Some venues that do consumption by the bottle may allow you to do a count of the empty bottles at the end of the night to double check their count of the bottles for which you're being charged. In cases where you're being charged by the bottle though, once a bottle is open and even if only one drink has been poured from it, you still have to pay for the entire bottle. Hope that helps!


Originally Posted by franeve View Post


This might sound like a stupid question but, what exactly does that mean, "drinks by consumption"? Does that mean you are only paying for what your guests actually drink? If so, how do you keep track of that??

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