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Well, I'm still fairly new-ish...so there's lots you guys don't know yet. Although none of it is probably that interesting!


Ummm, well, I curse like a sailor around people I'm comfortable with. I try to tone it down in most social situations and at work. But really, I've got quite a mouth sometimes! blush2.gif


Just one shot of Patron Silver (tequila) is enough to knock me on my a$$.


And more seriously, I am actually a little afraid of getting old. Not just older in general but really old. Because I'm vain, I'm freaked out about wrinkles, going totally grey, losing the shape I have and having "old lady body". And even worse than that stuff, I'm so concerned about what I will be like when I'm old - will I be forgetful, sick, weak, deaf etc. And I realize that might sound awful but it's just a part of life that I'm really nervous about. Does that make sense??

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All I have to say Christa is good for you for getting yourself through school! A lot of people would have given up and/or made excuses. You did what you needed to do - and made good $ doing it - and now you have your education!


About me - well, nothing interesting or shocking, but some of you may not know ...


I am diabetic, and was diagnosed at age 21 - a little late for Type I, just a couple weeks after my 21st birthday. I fear the long term complications, but I am the healthiest diabetic you'll find I think right now! I also fear what it will do to me when I have kids - but I am ready to deal with it, and do what I need to do. It's the one thing that makes me feel "weak" since I consider myself a fairly strong person otherwise.

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Something you didn't know... (well what do you know? LOL)


Anyway, my big secret... I can't have kids. Well, not without in-virto anyway. We had been trying forever (and I had tried with my ex as well). Finally went in for testing. He checked out ok, so then it was my turn. Did clomid for 8 months (of hell!) then did a dye test, then a laproscopy.


Bottom line, my tubes are all messed up with scar tissue. One blocked completely, the other 85%, which gives me less than a 5% chance of getting pregnant on my own.


We are ok with this, and have accepted the fact that we will not be parents unless 1. we win the lottery and can do in-vitro or 2. we adopt. As it is right now, we are happy with our lifestyle, love to listen to our friends' nightmare stories about their kids, and enjoy our own kids.. our dogs :)

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Originally Posted by A10CALGAL View Post
Thanks for not judging :) I was really ready to hear it...
I say good for you Christa. If I had a body that people might actually want to pay to see in a strip clum, I would have probably made some fast cash too! I always think it's so cool to hear about the past lives of people you wouldn't guess that sort of thing about. One of the nurses I work with (who is like 55, married with grandchildren, very wholesome motherly type) worked in a strip club for like 5 years when she was younger and loves to shock everyone and demonstrate her pole dancing techniques on a slow night at work...very interesting...lol
Once again, I think you're a pretty cool chick.
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Aww, thanks. I used to always be really afraid of people finding that out about me...now that it's almost 10 years behind me I'm totally over that. It was really a weird time. The most awkward time was when my financial accounting class partner came in & literally caught me "in the act." I think he may have been more embarrased than I was!!

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Wow - it's kind of neat to read everyones!!


Mine is: When I was 13 my mom convinced me to enter a world-wide poetry writing contest, and I won! My poem was to get published in a book, but before that happened the company went belly-up! Oh well - I didn't actually like the poem that much! haha.

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Christa I grew up in Nevada the sin state, so I know many girls who spent their college years working in strip clubs, I think its admirable to put yourself out there like that for such a noble thing like getting yourself through school.

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Originally Posted by A10CALGAL View Post
Wow, interesting stuff! OK, ready for mine? To pay for & support myself for the last 2 years of college (mom couldn't help) I worked at a strip club & pulled in almost $50K each year while taking 18 - 21 units in college. I maintained a 4.0!!!

Imagine how hard it was to start an entry level "real" job at half that...
Oooooh! Good one! I love that you kept the 4.0!
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