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Originally Posted by JoLo908 View Post
By the way, who was your photographer? They are awesome!
I'll PM you in a minute with the info...

Originally Posted by K&Rwedding View Post

They are amazing... I love love love them. I hope you had a great time. NYC is such a great back drop. What did you do while in NYC? Did you look for a dress? Are you going to be back? Would love to hear about your photo shoot.

We had a BLAST in NYC! We just shopped, ate (a lot), went to a Yankee game, and just generally walked around. It's what we love to do there :) The photo shoot was fun...we just kinda let the photographer guide us but we had a couple of ideas ourselves (the graffiti for sure, and the street shots). I didn't get to look for a dress while I was there...there just wasn't really enough time. I hope we can go back soon but it probably isn't in the cards since we're saving for the wedding and also furniture for our new place. But our good friend is going for a job interview there on Friday so if he gets the job and moves there, I'm sure we'll be visiting again soon because we'll have a free place to stay! Plane tickets are cheap...it's the damn hotel that gets you!
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