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Help! I Need To Learn Spanish!!!!

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Alright girlies, my FI grandmother from Puerto Rico just called and I looked at the caller ID (he's at the gym) took a deep breath and thought surely I can explain to her (in spanish. she does not speak english) that FI is not home & will call her in a few hours. NOPE!!!!!!!! DIDN'T HAPPEN!!! I'm so embaressed!! I mean, I took a few courses in high school and college but nothing came out!!!


So this leads me to ask the questions, is anyone selling Rosetta (spanish). I've heard it's really good, but sooo expensive!

Or any other advice for those of us who really want to learn the language?!

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Originally Posted by samanthag View Post
Alright girlies, my FI grandmother from Puerto Rico just called and I looked at the caller ID (he's at the gym) took a deep breath and thought surely I can explain to her (in spanish. she does not speak english) that FI is not home & will call her in a few hours. NOPE!!!!!!!! DIDN'T HAPPEN!!! I'm so embaressed!! I mean, I took a few courses in high school and college but nothing came out!!!
So this leads me to ask the questions, is anyone selling Rosetta (spanish). I've heard it's really good, but sooo expensive!
Or any other advice for those of us who really want to learn the language?!
Maybe you can find the Rosetta on Craigslist or ebay for cheaper?

I took a beginning Italian class at the local community college since FI's parents do not speak much English. It was sort of a present to FI since I know he is probably getting tired of translating everything. I also thought it would be good to know and understand some of the language as I would like our future kid(s) to learn. The class was around $200 + the cost of the book. I felt like I learned so much more than I would have from a CD. I did buy a beginner's Italian CD-Rom when we first started dating, but learned so much more from the class. I still get embarrassed speaking to his parents in Italian, but I can understand them a lot more now.
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Originally Posted by beachbride08 View Post
Maybe you can find the Rosetta on Craigslist or ebay for cheaper?

I took a beginning Italian class at the local community college since FI's parents do not speak much English. It was sort of a present to FI since I know he is probably getting tired of translating everything. I also thought it would be good to know and understand some of the language as I would like our future kid(s) to learn. The class was around $200 + the cost of the book. I felt like I learned so much more than I would have from a CD. I did buy a beginner's Italian CD-Rom when we first started dating, but learned so much more from the class. I still get embarrassed speaking to his parents in Italian, but I can understand them a lot more now.
That's a great idea! And I know what you mean, I think my FI gets tired of translating for me too! The crazy thing is that we have been to Puerto Rico 4 times this year alone and every single time I get home saying to myself I NEED to do something about learning the language, but have I? Our next visit is Nov/Dec so I want to be ready!
Thanks for the info!
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Originally Posted by seaprincess View Post
I was going to suggest a class too- it helps to actually speak the language to other people rather than learn it from a dc or book and just say it aloud to yourself
Agreed. A class will help to get the basics down, but no matter what school you go to you will not learn the "everyday" Spanish IMO. I was a Spanish major and still get embarrassed when I go down to Mexico and realize the Spanish they teach us is completely outdated or very specific to a certain region.

However, classes are a great foundation. I've heard Rosetta Stone is awesome. I want to get the advanced versions to help keep up my Spanish. Other than that, traveling and trying to truly immerse yourself in the language is your best bet. Since you have (soon to be) family in PR, that's awesome!! I never studied abroad which is why I ended up switching majors with only 3 classes to go until graduation!! smile35.gif I would love to go spend a couple months down in Mexico. When I get down there my brain switches after about a day (I get especially good after a margarita or two wink.gif haha) and when I come back I find myself messing things up in English! lol I absolutely love the language and try and travel to Mexico every chance I get because every time I learn something new.

Ok I think I may have ventured away from your original point...


Originally Posted by cheese_diva View Post
Or you could let the machine pick up next time. :) j/k
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Originally Posted by cheese_diva View Post
Or you could let the machine pick up next time. :) j/k
Ur funny!! I should have let the call go straight to voicemail but I was thinking how cute it would be if I could speak to her in espanol! :)
Oh well, he just got home & thinks it's hilarious!
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Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post
Agreed. A class will help to get the basics down, but no matter what school you go to you will not learn the "everyday" Spanish IMO. I was a Spanish major and still get embarrassed when I go down to Mexico and realize the Spanish they teach us is completely outdated or very specific to a certain region.

However, classes are a great foundation. I've heard Rosetta Stone is awesome. I want to get the advanced versions to help keep up my Spanish. Other than that, traveling and trying to truly immerse yourself in the language is your best bet. Since you have (soon to be) family in PR, that's awesome!! I never studied abroad which is why I ended up switching majors with only 3 classes to go until graduation!! smile35.gif I would love to go spend a couple months down in Mexico. When I get down there my brain switches after about a day (I get especially good after a margarita or two wink.gif haha) and when I come back I find myself messing things up in English! lol I absolutely love the language and try and travel to Mexico every chance I get because every time I learn something new.

Ok I think I may have ventured away from your original point...


Thanks for the info Jaime! I think it's awesome that you have put such an effort to learn the language! You would think that growing up in San Antonio and having Gallegos as a last name would have kicked my butt in to learning sooner!
I'm thinking a class is going to work better for me. I'm the kinda person that needs to be in front of the class to understand what's going on!!!
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Get a job at a restaurant! I work at Outback and practice my Spanish in the kitchen everyday. The guys are impressed with me. lol Sometimes I have no idea what they are saying tho. A more practical idea (since I'm kidding about the restaurant thing)~ I was going to suggest an Adult Ed. class in your town. They are usually inexpensive.

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