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Who is your BDW crush?


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I have too many crushes to list, too!


Like Glenda I have everyone broken down into groups, Old School Members, New B2Bs, Senior Members that joined when I did...


When any of the 08 brides get married, I feel like a MOB, like my little BDWer is getting married and I get all emotional. I got a little teary at Abbie and I'm sure I'll feel the same way for Maura, Alyssa, Stephanie, etc. I thought about Morgan on my wedding day because we were date twins.

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oh wow, i know i'm gonna forget a million of you, so i'll just make this my first list wink.gif


my number one crush has to be maura :) we joined almost the same time and instantly hit it off, and like lizz, carly and heidi, once you meet in person you know you are "real" friends too. she just gets me!


my runners up are soooo many:

carly because we could be the same person and because she provided my something borrowed!

rachel because, well, its obvious! she is freakin hilarious, she provided my wedding week mantra "Be Chill! Be Chill!", and because she is a down to earth PNW'er like me :)

morgan because we are DIY Queens and because she is so gorgeous and has the best wedding pics of all so far. i just adore her personality, such a go getter and very organized.

christabecause she is so much fun and a blast to chat with, plus she is a babe!

jackee cause DUHR! look at her! joe is a truly lucky man :) plus she has the best humor and way of looking at things, and she loves spinach dip as much as i do.

yari because she is the most adorable sweet kind endearing person i've ever met and i've never heard her say a bad word about anything. she wouldnt hurt a fly!

glenda because she is so freakin awesome! she threw together a wedding in a month and didnt put up with any BS from anyone! G, i heart you so much!

alyssa because everytime i see her amazing megawatt smile i just melt, she is so beautiful, inside and out. she is so helpful and always makes me feel better about things.

rebecca because she is a girl from my hood who i adore completely. she is so sweet and a great person.

erin because she is my aqua/turquoise twin and because i just plain love heart love her to pieces.

rachelle because she is such an amazing beautiful sweet girl and i just heart her to pieces too!

sarah for being my TTD inspiration ever since her JCT one was the first i saw on here, she and her hubby rocked it, and i fell in love with the idea. also for giving us the candle/wax paper idea which i used to honor my grampa's memory at my wedding. sarah, you are awesome!


i know i've forgotten many, so i'll probably add more later, but one i could not forget is TAMMY for continuing to make this an awesome place to get fantastic wedding planning advice and info, and for making it an even better place to make some real and true friends!


ok, enough waxing poetic! who's next??

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Um, why am I not on any of these lists?? (LOL!!!)


Actually, I have a TON of crushes on here.


Jami (a swear she's my twin), Lizz, Rachel, Carly, Jenn, Amy, Kate, Lauren, Shelley, Stephanie, Jak27, Michelle08, Alyssa, Heidi, Ann, TammyB, Sarah, Trisha, Glenda, so many to name. I know I'm still missing a lot.

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Ok, first of all, you made me orange, yay!


But I cracked up at that Jackee likes spinach dip as much as you ! Hhahahahahahaa

Originally Posted by Abbie View Post
jackee cause DUHR! look at her! joe is a truly lucky man :) plus she has the best humor and way of looking at things, and she loves spinach dip as much as i do.
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Originally Posted by NYJen View Post
Um, why am I not on any of these listshuh.gif (LOL!!!)

Actually, I have a TON of crushes on here.

Jami (a swear she's my twin), Lizz, Rachel, Carly, Jenn, Amy, Kate, Lauren, Jak27, Michelle08, Alyssa, Heidi, TammyB, Sarah, Glenda, so many to name. I know I'm missing a lot.
Awww... Jen. I'm totally crushing on you. I said I forgot people! :) You haven't been around often- must be enjoying the newlywedness. LOL Or Brendan is worried about all these potential crushes so he stole you away from BDW.
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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
Awww... Jen. I'm totally crushing on you. I said I forgot people! :) You haven't been around often- must be enjoying the newlywedness. LOL Or Brendan is worried about all these potential crushes so he stole you away from BDW.
Thank you - I was starting to feel left out. LOL!!!

Actually, my new job has been so busy that I haven't had much time for BDW (very bad, I know!!!) So now I try to sneak on whenever I can.

I've missed you guys sad.gif
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I want to play! I am going to stick by the rules, as hard as it is ... but I have a crush on Sarah! I think we're a lot alike in a few ways, and I just always love reading what she has to say. Plus, she was a great friend to me when I was going through one of the scariest times of my life (having Gwen early, away from home).


But I'd also have to say I have a special place in my heart for all of the "old school" gals (a.k.a. The gals that have already celebrated their 1 year anniversary and just wont go away!).

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