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Addressing Envelopes - Invitation Etiquette - HELP!

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We are doing a pocketfold invitation, and since it is more casual, we are not doing an inner envelope. My question is how to you let people know exactly who is invited? For example, how do the single people get "and guested"?


I think usually the outer envelope would say Ryan Jones 123 Main St, Austin, TX and the inner envelop would say Ryan Jones and Guest. Correct? What do you do if you don't have an inner envelope?


And also, how do we let people know that their kids are invited? Do we just say the Robert Newman Family? Or Robert Newman & Family? Or The Newman Family?


I don't know how to do this when you're only using one envelope! Has anyone had similiar issues?



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If I knew the name of the guest I would write their name underneath, for example.


Wendy Forst

Jack Tolk


Now if I didn't know their guest's name I didn't write anything. For families, I wrote out:


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ford and Family


I hope this helps.

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I am not having an inner envelope either so I am doing it the same way I did my eparty invites. On the outer envelope I would put the and guest Mr Ryan Jones and guest .if you know they are dating someone serious I would get the guest first and last name Mr. Ryan Jones & Ms. Jen Smith DW's are more intimate and personal and that will make the "and guest" feel part of the group. For the families I am doing Mr.& Mrs. Ryan Jones and Family unless the kids are over 18 and I will be sending them their own invites, even if they still live at home. Hope this helps

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We did pocketfolds in a vellum envelope.


I did use formal addresses, Dr. and Mrs. Donald Grimes or Mr. Michael Jones and Guest. If I knew the guest's name I put both names on the envelope.


For families I was more casual and simply put The Smith Family.


No one complained and the etiquette police didn't come after me, so I guess we are ok! LOL

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Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
We did pocketfolds in a vellum envelope.

I did use formal addresses, Dr. and Mrs. Donald Grimes or Mr. Michael Jones and Guest. If I knew the guest's name I put both names on the envelope.

For families I was more casual and simply put The Smith Family.

No one complained and the etiquette police didn't come after me, so I guess we are ok! LOL

My future mother in law is captain of the etiquette police if you get arrested for any other reason let me know and maybe I can help get you out of etiquette jail S&M.gifI hear it's painful in there :)
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Thanks everyone!


I found some articles online and one said that it wasn't "proper" to use "and guest" on the outer envelope, but I say screw it. I don't know how else to solve this problem, so I'm doing it anyway. Besides, all of the young, single folk won't know what's going on anyway! I'm going to use proper titles for the old folks and just names for our friends. We'll see how this works!



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