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Quitting smoking

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Ok so it has been 5 days since I had a cigarette...yes I am quitting smoking and I hate every second of the day since I made this decision. Is anyone else going through this right now? I decided I did not want to be a smoking and fat bride. So I am quitting smoking so I can breath so I can exercise but all I have done is eat, eat, and eat oh and my new addiction is soda (that's great for the butt). MY FI is working overnight tonight (FDNY) and I want to drive to the store buy a $10 pack of cigarettes smoke them all and lie to his face when he ask if I cheated. If no one sees it does it count? Thanks for listening to me vent and if you have any tips I would appreciate them...


rofl.gif me going crazy

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Wait first of all cigarettes are $10 where you live? wtf.gif


Second, congratulations on day 5!!! It sure is tough, isn't it? I've been there and it seems like it would be easier to kick crack! A lot of people, on BDW too, have been able to quit cold turkey and good for you! Stick with it, the longer you go without the easier it becomes. I sort of cheated if you can call it that - I saw a hypnotherapist. I still had moments of cravings but they were much more managable IMO.


Whatever you do don't buy a pack! If you have to have one the first week when it is super tough, bum one - ONE. A few doctors have told me before that tapering off is as effective as cold turkey but I think we're all different. Never have a pack in your possession again if you are truly trying to quit or you will sabotage yourself. Hang in there, you can do it hug2.gif

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I am not quitting smoking but I am quitting soda! At one point recently i was drinking a 2 liter bottle of diet pepsi a day. So after finding out I have hypothyrodism and that was why I was so tired and drinking the soda for the caffeine I decided to quit, plus a friend told me about an article she read about how horrible aspirtame(sp?) is for you! I have made it passed the killer headaches, thank goodness!


Just remember it takes 21 days to make a habit! So hopefully your new habit will be not smoking!


As for tips, I have heard to drink water, play with a pen or find something to do when you have an urge! Good luck! May we both be successful with our goals!

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Originally Posted by LALA View Post
You can totally do this. Stay strong - when you need one, come here and post - type till your little fingers are so tired they couldn't dream of holding a cigarette.
This forum has been a life saver honestly if I wasn't typing away tonight I would have def broke down and cheated thanks for the support
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