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Could work stop my DW from happening?


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I got married prior to going- I'm sure others of girls have too. I don't think it has much to do with the passport as long as you don't change your name on your passport to the new married name. Your passport name must match your travel documents. If it does, all else is golden. :)

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Originally Posted by Mandy View Post
What's the latest? Any word from work as far as time off?
I have filed for disability through my police pension and that should go through my middle of September as far as time off for my wedding goes it shouldnt be an issue now. Bad news is now I am leaving the career I love...
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Originally Posted by STACEY View Post
But wait..... can you go back to work after you are healed? Cant you file for permant/temporary disabilty?
Ok that was dumb thats not what its called..... Its something about just temporarily being disabled.doh.gif
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Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
I have filed for disability through my police pension and that should go through my middle of September as far as time off for my wedding goes it shouldnt be an issue now. Bad news is now I am leaving the career I love...
Oh no it just doesn't seem right.
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Originally Posted by STACEY View Post
Ok that was dumb thats not what its called..... Its something about just temporarily being disabled.doh.gif
Not dumb...the things that are making me "disabled" for this line of work are not going to change like the fact that I have 6 screws in my back and 2 missing discs. But if it was something that could change then I could do temporary disability
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Originally Posted by STACEY View Post
Well bummer I am really trully am sorry Is there something else that you go do, like investigation or something?
I cant do anything as a sworn officer and honestly I think it would be too tough mentally to try to get into something like loss prevention or something related. So I am looking at it as a new beginning and going to take on a new challenge.
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