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Need help with FG dress

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I asked my little cousin Ashley to be my 2nd flowergirl tonight. Her mom is one of my BMs and I just adore Ashley so I knew she'd be perfect. When I asked her she jumped up and down and hugged me so tight. She goes,"I'm so psyched!" hehehe


Ok, so here's my dilemma. My niece (FG) is 3yrs old. I already have her dress:

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Ashley will almost be 9 by the time my wedding comes. Does this dress look too kiddy or should I get her something else?

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I don't think that it looks too kiddie. I you want you could maybe just narrow the waist tie so it isn't so big and it ties smaller in the back. My Mom is better at seeing these things, so I will ask her opinon too.


By the way, I love that little dress, it is soooo sweet.

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Originally Posted by Kat81 View Post
Jenny, can you just get a white dress like this Formal Girls Dress C-704 and get a sash that matches the pink in the other dress? Or did you want it to look more like the dress you have? I don't think it is too kiddy
I was hoping to keep it close or the same. I just need assurance that its not too babyish for a 9 year old..
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