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Jack & Jill Shower

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I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post, but has anyone had a coed shower? What was your theme? Did you just invite everyone? My FI and I are from Illinois and not having attendants, but his sis offered to throw us a shower back in IL. I've only ever been to female showers - how are the coed? Anyone done one?

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We had a coed shower three weeks before the wedding...the theme was "stock the bar"...we invited everyone that was invited to the wedding (70) and we had 50 people showed up...it was a lot of fun and pretty casual...and now we have enough alcohol to last us the rest of our lives!

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Originally Posted by Christi View Post
We had a coed shower three weeks before the wedding...the theme was "stock the bar"...we invited everyone that was invited to the wedding (70) and we had 50 people showed up...it was a lot of fun and pretty casual...and now we have enough alcohol to last us the rest of our lives!
What a great theme!
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Originally Posted by Yari View Post
What a great theme!
I have to say it was so much fun...we had a few people stress over what they should bring...what kind of things we like to drink , etc and we just said surprise us...and that they did!...btw - anyone want a bottle of "thunderbird??" I tried boonsfarm way back when (high school), but the stories I heard about drinking thunderbird scared me as much as the stories about drinking tequila with a worm in the bottle, so I'm happy to ship it off for free! :)
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We had a "stock the bar" party as well. It was so much fun! We had it outdoors at our friends house. They had the table set up with brown paper covers, with shells and candles. We had 2 rita machines, some big barrels of ice with drinks and had tons of mexican food. We registered at Create and Barrell for bar stuff, but mainly people just bring a bottle of liquor. Almost 1 year later - we still have a ton of bottles.

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We are having a jack and jill but it's a bit different in our neck of the woods that just a shower.


Our jack and Jill will be held at night at a local hall where drinks are super cheap (think Legion/Elks/Eagles) The Groomsmen put this show on. It has raffle tickets for cool prizes and its 5 or 10 to get in the door normally. We will have a DJ and everything too... Honestly I just don't know when it is because they are supposed to be a surprise. All the money raised from the night after paying for a few things goes to the couple to help pay for the wedding/honeymoon.

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