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I am feeling the exact same way!!! When we started looking at resorts... the ROR completely stuck out to me. When I price compared at that time, I felt it was really a good deal for everything it offered and totally doable for most of our guests.


So back in May when packages were opening up we started having our Canadian guests book. Well these were mostly Sean's family -- and price wasn't really an issue.


Well now that it is coming time to have my family and all our U.S. friends book... I'm finding the prices have rose quite a bit and with the way things are right now a lot of guests are dropping out. I still love everything I see about ROR and think we will have an amazing time... but honestly if our CA guests weren't already booked I would consider looking elsewhere (probably Maya Riveria which was our 2nd choice and currently has some better deals) and starting the planning process over.


But in the end... I think it will all be worth it and work itself. The important people will be there... the lcoation will be amazing... and we will have a great time.

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We chose our location based on the cost and the centralized location for those that we really wanted to be able to attend. I think I picked my resort too quickly as I really didn't research many other options in Riviera Maya or Cancun for that matter, and started to regret our choice once I found out other places could have offered private dinners, more options with ceremony decor, etc. In the end I am glad we will have our immediate families and friends there that may not have been able to attend if we would have gone with a different location (Cayman was our first choice) or a more expensive resort.

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We went with Mexico because honestly, it was the only way about half of my guests would be there. I sometimes wish I had gone with one of the islands like I wanted, but I will treasure the memories of all of our guests. It's a trade-off. I really only went with my resort because of the amazing prices we got through my cousin when he bought into their discount program.

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Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
My resort wasn't the cheapest. However, I am a firm believer in you get what you pay for.

If we had chosen a less expensive resort we would have had more guests (probably). But it was not worth it to me to sacrifice what I wanted for the rest of the group. It was my wedding and I wanted to be happy! LOL

Also, you need to check into what you get for the money. All of our food, drinks, room service, transfers, watersports (motorized and non-motorized), as well as several excursions were included. Sometimes the rooms might be cheaper but you will end up spending the same amount of money.

The bottom line with a DW is those who want to come will come. Those that don't will always have SOME kind of excuse. If it's not the money, it's the timing, the location, the airline, etc.

i'm the exact opposite. it was much more worth it for me to have more guests and i was willing to sacrifice the wedding options in order to make others more apt to come. i'm very happy with my resort choice and i'm confident in the riu chain- but it's not on par with many of the other resort options you'll find here. so really, it's depends what your priorities are.. punk.gif
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I understand exactly what you are going through!


If your family and friends are giving you a hard time because they aren't able to attend, I feel bad for them. They should be congratulating you on your upcoming wedding, not making you feel bad that they aren't able to attend.


Remember, this is your day! You should have things the way YOU want them.

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The cost to our guests was one of our top priorities, and now that everything is planned there are a lot of people that say they can't afford to go. It will cost about $850 pp for a 4 day, 3 night all inclusive trip (including airfare and alcohol!). So, I felt that is a great deal, esp. for a resort that I have heard so many wonderful things about (great food, great service, beautiful beach). Bottom line is, even if you had gone with a less expensive resort chances are most of the same people would probably not attend.

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ROR is a great resort for a destination wedding. It's big enough so your guests (and you!) don't feel cramped. No resort is perfect of course, but all of my guests that came loved it!


The people who really want to be there will find a way to make it happen no matter which resort/country you choose.

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Originally Posted by geology_rocks View Post
ROR is a great resort for a destination wedding. It's big enough so your guests (and you!) don't feel cramped. No resort is perfect of course, but all of my guests that came loved it!

The people who really want to be there will find a way to make it happen no matter which resort/country you choose.
I agree 100%. I totally told myself that whoever really wants to be there or is "supposed" to be there will find a way. If you were like me and told them in enough time, they really should have no excuse as to why they can't make it...but if they were like my guests, they will still come up with excuses. But, one thing you can't do is hold grudges for those who said they were coming and then didn't because that is gonna happen. Just move on and accept it. The show still must go on, even if it is just you and your FH. It is your special day and it is up to you were you want it...don't let anyone deter you from your vision.

The ROR is beautiful and like geology_rocks said, it is huge with lots of things to do. The pictures do it no justice as to just how beautiful the place is.
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