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i am such a baby, i am shaking

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so, i am not sure how many of you are aware but i got a new job yesterday. it is in the same health care system, just will be for a different manager. it will be called per diem, which means i can work when i want and as much or as little as i want. i have tried to get my current boss to let me switch to this position on the floor. she said, it takes time, i will try to get to it. this was over three weeks ago, in the interim, she also emailed me to see if i could orient the new grads. i said sure, just let me know when. since then she has not gotten back to me. it has been over 2 weeks and i have emailed her multiple times. i have also emailed her right-hand person to try to get some answers. i know, you are thinking, why didn't you call her? she is the kind of person who things need to be in writing or they did not happen.

anyway, i even emailed her to see when she would need me to orient, nothing in response. so i emailed HR and they had a job that was perfect for me. i can work any where in the hospital, whenever i want to. i went to the interview yesterday and it was great. the boss seems awesome and she told me i was hired. HR called me today to tell me that they would be calling my old boss to get a reference.

SO, to my point, my old (current) boss just called and said "HR just called me(my boss) and i (once again this is the boss talking) am a little confused." I said, you have not gotten back to me in over 2 weeks. she said, well, i was on vacation. okay, that may be, but i know for a fact that both you are your right-hand person were not both gone. (of course I did not say this) i just said, i think that this job will be great for me, i can work all over the hospital. she said, oh whatever, and that was it.

i don't know why i care, i am a lot like jenny and let people walk all over me. i really want this new job, but i feel like i am letting old boss down.

thanks for letting me vent. i am just so excited about this new job and then she has to call and get me upset.

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Originally Posted by lauren c. View Post
i'm confused....does she have to give permission for you to switch positions? or did you just want her to know that you were interviewing and that she'd be called for a reference?
is she just upset that you're leaving her or is she a bitch?
she has to give a reference. about 20 people have jumped ship in the past couple months, bad sign! the HR person is the one that called her to tell her that i would be leaving and would she give a reference. after that is when she called me. as to your final question, as i said in the beginning of the thread, if things are not written down with her, they did not happen. she will "forget" or deny that conversations happened.
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Don't let her get you down... that's awesome that you got a new, better position! I'm sure she's upset that you are leaving (especially if numerous others have left recently), but you need to do what's right for you. Its always hard leaving a job, but if something better comes along, go for it!

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Amanda, first of all congratulations on the job you want!!! Secondly I can understand you feeling bad but in this world you have to look out for yourself cuz not many others are going to, especially in the work place!!! Good for you for going after what you want!! Screw her!

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