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Monday for wealth, Tuesday for health...

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Lol its an old english tradition and part of an old nursery rhyme for days to get married:




Monday for wealth,

Tuesday for health

Wednesday best day of all

Thursday for curses

Friday for crosses/losses

Saturday no luck at all





... I'm not sure what it means if you get married on Sunday though!!

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I chose friday b/c that is when July 4th lands on in 2008. I figured everyone would have off anyway (well almost everyone) and this way people can do a long weekend (thurs-sunday) or stay for a whole week. It doesn't matter to my FI and I, we love having people around. We will probably take a separate honeymoon to the Greek Islands at a later time anyway so it really doesn't matter. I also wanted to build up to the wedding day but I think you should do whatever is best for you and your FI.

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Originally Posted by Soon to be Mrs. Hull View Post
yeah what the heck is crosses/losses. My FI is english, but I am irish and spanish...so what does it matter anyway right?
It is just a really old saying about what days to get married. Sunday was a religious day, so you never got married on Sunday. We are getting married on Wednesday. Partly because of this saying (I know it sounds cheesy, but I like the idea of luck) and partly because its mid week and I like that. Also, its a less busy day to get married on.
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I know I am a little late to this thread but we got married on a wed (kinda happy about that now that I see this old rhyme :) but we choose wed because Jeff and I were only going down to Mexico for a week (Jeffs work is crazily busy in January so he could only take a week off and when his work slows down we figure we will look at a honeymoon) but we really liked the wed, because it gave us time to get everything ready down in PV but then also it gave us a few days after the wedding to just relax and be with each other without having to worry about wedding details! Our guests were great about it and they all loved having the wedding in the middle too because it gave them a nice switch from the all-inclusive in the middle of the trip and for some of them they were then very much relaxed after the wedding day too! Just for our circumstance it worked out best that way but each to their own I figure!

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We chose Tuesday not for any reason other than it would work with our work schedule...every 5 weeks FH and I get a week off so we wanted our wedding to fall during that week so we wouldn't have to take much vacation. Tuesday is right in the middle of that week so it was perfect for us :)

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Originally Posted by Nini_Bride View Post
I kind of agree with having time alone with Aaron after the wedding!! I felt a little bad for wanting to get away from my guests who so kindly took time out of the schedules for me (even if it doubles as a wedding)... but I feel better now that I'm not the only one!!!

The majority of our guest have already made it clear that they plan to leave us alone after our wedding. They know that it is our honeymoon and respect that.
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