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BeneFit Burned my Face!!!

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Originally Posted by Jacqueline View Post
umm crap- i hope i didnt scare u with my post :o( sorry i just realized that i prob shouldnt have wrote that aout my hair never growing back, i dont think you will lose your hair! xxoo
don't worry j - you didn't scare me wink.gif My eyebrows look perfect and if the hair that she removed never comes back that would be great. It's just the skin below my eyebrows that I need to come back to me. I will take a picture when I get home. hope I don't scare anyone.

You wanna know the worst part...I was stopped on the street by an annoying guy I know after I left the brow appt. He does crazy film projects and always asks me to be part of his crazy ideas. so i stopped to talk to him and I removed my glasses and he said " don't worry, the footage will not include your face..." It just occured to me that when he saw me I had these huge patches. I think i am mortified...ex post facto
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Originally Posted by nikkianddean View Post
Nope, I don't take anything sad.gif
I have been using neosporin with Pain Reliever. I hate my face. Dean woke up this morning and said " you look really, really bad." I had to explain to him that was not OK to say sad.gif
You'll be fine by this weekend.. just keep using neosporin, hydrocortisone or an anti-inflammatory ointment. Like jcoe said, the wax was too hot.
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I've totally had this happen to me...my skin gets really irritated by stuff like that. One time it even turned to scabs, but that wasn't that bad because you couldn't really see them. The redness shouldn't last that long, just keep applying the ointment like everyone else said. That's all you can do! And I definitely wouldn't go back there...it must be something about the wax they use, the temperature it's at, or the cream they apply before or after.

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You poor thing! I am totally freaked out now because I have super fair, sensitive skin. Yikes!


Originally Posted by nikkianddean View Post
Nope, I don't take anything sad.gif

I have been using neosporin with Pain Reliever. I hate my face. Dean woke up this morning and said " you look really, really bad." I had to explain to him that was not OK to say sad.gif

LOL - Bad Dean!!! S&M.gif
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Nikki OMG i am so sorry that happened! a friend of mine had something like that happen to her from 'contaminated wax' rigth before Thanksgiving a couple years ago - she had to take antibiotics but most importantly keep it mosit with neosporin - don't let it dry out!


can you reschedule your pics for next weekend?

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