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How much $$$ does your FI / DH make?


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My FI is in sales for a global sports company. I make quite a bit more than he does, but he loves his job which is worth everything! Plus he gets amazing perks and a great bonus which probably equates to about the same amount that I make. So we're pretty even for now.

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My FI makes more than I do. He works for Au Bon Pain in the corporate office as an executive. He gets profit sharing and GREAT bonuses every quarter. He has an MBA.


I am a behavioral analyst working for a large hospital. I have a master's in clinical psychology.

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Originally Posted by stkitts2010 View Post
I am a behavioral analyst working for a large hospital. I have a master's in clinical psychology.
Are you a BCBA? I see that you live in MA, so do I! I work for the New England Center for Children, have you heard of it?

Right...this is supposed to be about my FI. He is a software engineer and makes almost 3x what I make. However, I was in graduate school which was paid for by my employer. But...I'm a teacher and he will always make more...I've gotten used to the fact that I will never make lots of $$$. I'm happy with my choices though because I work with children with autism and feel like I'm changing the world...one child at a time!
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My FI is an electrician by trade but now works in the office designing overhead and underground powerlines. He earns just over 100k a year, he has no degree just learnt on the job. The company we both work for pay very well. I am a business analyst there and earn just under what he does and I don't do any overtime. we are making the most of it until I give up work to become a mum hopefully

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I'm also in the minority. I make 3 times what my hubby does... but, I also have an insane amount of student loans. I'm an ER doctor and my DH does IT and office management for his family's condo development/construction company.

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Originally Posted by Cassondra2009 View Post
Are you a BCBA? I see that you live in MA, so do I! I work for the New England Center for Children, have you heard of it?

Right...this is supposed to be about my FI. He is a software engineer and makes almost 3x what I make. However, I was in graduate school which was paid for by my employer. But...I'm a teacher and he will always make more...I've gotten used to the fact that I will never make lots of $$$. I'm happy with my choices though because I work with children with autism and feel like I'm changing the world...one child at a time!
I'm a BCBA, LICSW. I have heard of NECC. Your job must be very rewarding. What age group do you teach?
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Originally Posted by Tracy View Post
i make a little over double what my FI does. He is OK with it....and actually sort of enjoys it (he always makes jokes that when we have a baby - financially it makes more sense for him to be the stay at home dad).

We're the same way... in all likelihood, my DH is going to start working from home or just stop working when we have kids.
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